

Contact Information

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CBA no longer is managing subscriptions.

CBA members continue to receive
The Catholic Biblical Quarterly as a benefit of maintaining current membership status.

CBA has contracted with The Catholic University of America Press (CUAP) to gain access to the subscription services of Johns Hopkins University Press (JHUP). CBA continues to publish The Catholic Biblical Quarterly  (CBQ) and Old Testament Abstracts  (OTA), but subscription services now are being handled by JHUP and  fulfillment services now are being handled by CUAP.  

CBQ Monograph Series (CBQMS) no longer is available as a standing order. See below.


The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 

CBA members in good standing will continue to receive CBQ through their membership and have access to CBQ online when logged into this site.

FOR NON-MEMBER SUBSCRIBERS: Those who have CBQ subscriptions should receive renewal notices from Johns Hopkins University Press (JHUP) . You also may click on the button below for more information or on the image to the right to go straight to the order menu.

CLICK HERE to go to the JHUP site to subscribe to CBQ.


Old Testament Abstracts

Those who have OTA subscriptions should receive renewal notices from Johns Hopkins University Press (JHUP). You also may click on the button below for more information or on the image to the right to go straight to the order menu.

CLICK HERE to go to the JHUP site to subscribe to OTA.


New Testament Abstracts

The NTA publisher, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, has also signed a contract with CUA Press, 

CLICK HERE to go to the JHUP site to subscribe to NTA.


Contact Johns Hopkins University Press (JHUP)


PHONE: 1-800-548-1784
Outside the U.S. and Canada: 410-516-6987 

JHUP Journal Circulation
PO Box 19966
Baltimore, MD 21211

Missing issues:

 CBQ Monograph Series

Standing orders for CBQMS no longer exist. CBQMS sales and distribution is being handled by Hopkins Fulfillment Services (HFS). 

Contact HFS Books



U.S. and Canadian customers: 800-537-5487
Local (Maryland area) and the rest of the world: 410-516-6965
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time

Hopkins Fulfillment Services
P.O. Box 50370
Baltimore, Maryland, 21211-4370
