Standing Committees 

Current Officers / Committee Members

Executive Board

Art. IV, Section 2: Between annual general meetings the Association shall be governed by an Executive Board consisting of the Chair, the President, the immediate Past President, the Vice-President, the Executive Director (ex officio, non-voting), the General Editor of The Catholic Biblical Quarterly (CBQ), the General Editor of Old Testament Abstracts (OTA), the General Editor of the Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series (CBQMS), the Chair of the Committee on Finance and Investment, and four Consultors who serve as non-officer members. These officers and members of the Executive Board shall be duly elected or appointed according to the prescriptions of the By-laws. The Executive Board shall have general responsibility for overseeing all the functions of the Association and shall oversee the work of the Executive Director.

Also see By-Laws 4.1-4.3.

Executive Committee

Art. IV, Section 3: An Executive Committee consisting of the Chair, the President, and the Executive Director can act in the name of the Executive Board when emergencies arise and it is not feasible for the Executive Board to meet. This committee is directly responsible to the Executive Board and must inform the board by e-mail of any decisions taken and its rationale within two days.

Committee on Membership

Art. VII, Section 1: There shall be a Committee on Membership consisting of three members duly selected as determined by the By-laws. This committee shall examine the qualifications of candidates for election to Full Membership or Associate Membership and to recommend for election to Full Membership or Associate Membership at the annual general meeting those candidates who are deemed qualified.

Also see By-Laws 4.4.1.

Committee on Nominations

Art VII, Section 2: There shall be a Committee on Nominations consisting of six members duly selected as determined by the By-laws. This committee, seeking to ensure broad representation of the members and considering the needs of each position, shall solicit nominations from the general membership for all open positions and prepare a ballot with no more than two candidates for each of the elective officers of the Association. It shall refer to appropriate boards and committees others nominated for election to those boards and committees, as provided for in the Constitution and By-laws. The members of the Association at the annual general meeting may also accept nominations from the floor.

Also see By-Laws 4.4.2.

Committee on Finance and Investment

Art. VII, Section 3: There shall be a Committee on Finance and Investment consisting of the Executive Director (ex officio) and six members duly selected as determined by the By-laws. This committee shall be responsible for advising the Executive Board on fiscal and investment policy and for implementing the policy determined by the Board. The committee shall also be responsible for securing periodic independent audits of the finances of the Association and for providing regular financial reports to the Executive Board.

Also see By-Laws 4.4.3.

Committee on the Program for the Annual General Meeting

Art. VII, Section 4: There shall be a Committee on the Program for the Annual General Meeting consisting of the Executive Director (ex officio) and six members duly selected as determined by the By-laws. This committee shall be responsible for planning and administering the annual general meeting of the Association and other programmatic activities in support of its mission.

Also see By-Laws 4.4.4.

Committee on Research Support

Art. VII, Section 5: There shall be a Committee on Research Support consisting of six members duly selected as determined by the By-laws. This committee shall be responsible for recommending such grants as the Association may make in the support of biblical scholarship and for overseeing the award of any and all grants.

Also see By-Laws 4.4.5.

Committee on Resolutions

Art. VII, Section 6: There shall be a Committee on Resolutions consisting of three members appointed by the President. This committee shall be empowered to formulate and to present at the annual general meeting resolutions requested by the Executive Board. Individual members or groups wishing to present resolutions shall be required to confer with the Committee on Resolutions concerning the formulation of their resolutions. The text of the resolutions shall be distributed to the Full Members at least twenty-four hours before the business session if the committee deems it advisable.

Also see By-Laws 4.4.6.

Committee on Technology and Outreach

Art. VII, Section 7: There shall be a Committee on Technology and Outreach consisting of six members duly selected as determined by the By-Laws. This committee shall be responsible for maintaining and developing the technological capabilities of the Association.

Also see By-Laws 4.4.7.

Committee on Liaison with the USCCB

Art. VII, Section 8: There shall be a Committee on Liaison with the USCCB consisting of three members duly selected as determined by the By-laws. This committee shall be responsible for maintaining and developing a positive relationship with the USCCB.

Also see By-Laws 4.4.8.

Art. VII, Section 9: Other committees to carry out the work of the Association may be established by the President on an ad hoc basis.