Archaeological Fellowships
Established 2024.
Application Form
CBA funds up to two fellowship awards annually of up to $5,000 each to support participation in an archaeological excavation.
2025 Application Deadline Extended to April 1st!
Application Requirements
- Applicants must be either Full or Associate Members of the CBA in good standing or graduate student members of the CBA working toward the doctorate (or S.S.L.) in biblical studies or in related areas.
- Applicants must have been accepted for a specific excavation that is institutionally affiliated and relevant to biblical studies.
Applicants must provide:
- Contact information (name, institution [if any], mailing address, telephone number, e-mail).
- One letter from an academic reference in support of the application sent to
with the subject "[YOUR last name] Archaeological Fellowship reference". - Evidence of acceptance into an archaeological excavation.
- A detailed budget.
- A Curriculum Vitae (no more than two pages single-spaced).
- A 300 (maximum) word description of the area of inquiry they intend to pursue in conjunction with the excavation or a statement about how participation in the excavation relates to an ongoing research project, and how participation in the excavation advances the purposes of the CBA (
Completed applications must be submitted on or before MARCH 1st with the subject "Archaeological Fellowships Application" to in order to be considered for excavations during the following summer.
All pages of the application must be standard letter size (8.5x11 inches or A4), 12-pt. standard Roman font (e.g., New Times Roman). Citations (social science or humanities style) are included in page and word counts. The committee will not consider incomplete or incorrectly formatted applications.
Awardees are required to submit a report to the CBA Office at the conclusion of the award period.
Applications will be evaluated on the basis of merit. Preference is normally given to applicants who have not received a grant from the CBA in the recent past. Recipients of research grants from the CBA, such as sabbatical grants or dissertation fellowships, are expected to present their supported research in a Research Report or panel at the Annual General Meeting within two years of receiving the grant.