Task Forces

Current Task Forces

Guidelines for Task Forces

General Description

A Task Force is a core group of CBA members who are committed to completing a concrete scholarly task, typically publication. 

Annually, conveners are expected to send a post-meeting report for the Executive Board to the CBA Office (cba-office@cua.edu) before September 1.

The basic term of a Task Force is five years, during which time the group aims to complete its designated task.

This five-year term may be renewed once if the task requires more time.

After ten years the Task Force may disband or may continue meeting as a Continuing Seminar with a more general focus.

Formation of New Task Forces

A group should normally have met for three years as a Continuing Seminar before applying to become a Task Force.

Proposals for a new Task Force must be submitted to the Program Committee by September 15 of any given year and should include the following:

(a) A statement of the concrete task or project to be accomplished by the group (task/project is to be distinguished from focus);

(b) A list of from six to twelve members who are committed to attending the meetings of the Task Force for at least five years.

Renewal of Task Forces

Task forces will be reminded by the Program Committee each year in the month of January about the current status of their term.

Proposals for the renewal of the first five-year term must be made to the Program Committee by September 15 of their fifth year, and should include the following:

(a) A statement of progress on the intended task of the group and a revised timeline;

(b) Any changes in the conveners of the group and its core membership.

Should a Task Force, having completed its original task, develop a new project, it should submit a proposal to the Program Committee for a new Task Force (see above), even if its name, conveners, and membership do not change significantly.

Acknowledgement of CBA in Published Works

It is expected that any publications produced by a CBA TAsk Force would acknowledge the support of the CBA.

Web Page

Conveners will be given access to update their web page(s).

Instructions to Update AGM Web Page