Ancient Artifacts Policy

List of CBA Policies

CBA Policy on Scholarly Presentations of Ancient Artifacts
in Its Annual General Meeting


In recognition of the complex issues surrounding the authenticity and provenience of ancient artifacts, The Catholic Biblical Association of America endorses the Society of Biblical Literature Artifacts Policy, specifically Parts 1), 2) and 3), and the guidelines for the treatment of antiquities according to the American Schools of Oriental Research, specifically section III, Parts D and E. The Committee on Program for the Annual General Meeting should familiarize themselves with the ASOR and SBL policies when considering submissions for papers and displays. Where submissions conflict with these policies, the Committee on Program is asked to abide by Part 3) of the SBL policy and either reject the submission or work with the submitter to resolve the issue. Likewise, the Executive Board should familiarize itself with the ASOR and SBL policies and similarly abide by Part 3) of the SBL policy when it approves the Annual Meeting Schedule submitted by the Committee on Program for the Annual General Meeting. If the Executive Board notes a potential problem, it should work with the chair of the Committee on Program for the Annual Meeting to clarify and resolve the potential issue.