Current Continuing Seminars
AGM Assistance
Continuing Seminars meet simultaneously with Task Forces on
Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday from 8:45 - 10:45 AM EDT
(There is a 1/2 hour coffee break at 9:30 AM)
N.B. Rooms are being provided for those at LUC ALL TIMES LISTED ARE
Conveners: Continuing Seminars
M.Div., M.A., Ph.D. Professor of the Humanities St. Edward's UniversityIsaiah and the Twelve
MA, PhD Associate Professor of Theology Mount St. Mary's University EmmitsburgThe Gospel and Letters of John
M.T.S., M.A., Ph.D. Professor of Religious and Theological Studies St. Edward's UniversityThe Deuterocanonical Books
MTS, MA, STL, PhD Boston College Clough School of Theology and MinistryDivinity in Ancient Israel
Professor of Old Testament, Dr. theol. habil. Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät - LMU MünchenIsaiah and the Twelve
M.A., M. Div., M.A., S.T.L., Ph. D. Franciscan School of Theology at USDDivinity in Ancient Israel
M.A. (1997), Ph.D. (2003), Professor ordinaria, S.T.L. (2019) Professor of New Testament / Professor Ordinaria Boston College Clough School of Theology and MinistrySecond Temple Judaism and Christian Origins
Ph.D., M.C.S. Dean, School of Humanities, Religion & Social Sci Fresno Pacific UniversitySecond Temple Judaism and Christian Origins
M.A., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Trinity College - HartfordBiblical Intertextuality: Its Methodology, History
M.T.S., Th.D. Assistant Professor of Religion Wellesley CollegeBiblical Intertextuality: Its Methodology, History
M.A., M.A., Ph.D. Interim General Editor Old Testament AbstractsHebrew Poetry
S.T.B./M.A., Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Winthrop UniversityThe Gospel and Letters of John
M.Div., M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor, Hebrew Bible College of the Holy CrossDivinity in Ancient Israel
M.A., M.Div., S.T.L., S.T.D. Adjunct Professor, Sacred Scripture University of St. Thomas in HoustonThe Deuterocanonical Books
M.A.R., Ph.D. Professor of Biblical Theology Dominican University ILPaul's Letters
M.A., Ph.D. Executive Director The Catholic Biblical Association of AmericaSecond Temple Judaism and Christian Origins