2018 AGM - Regis University
Report of the Eighty-first International Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America
The eighty-first international meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America was held July 28-30, 2018 at Regis University in Denver, Colorado. The meeting began on Saturday, July 28, with an official welcome from Regis University’s President, Rev. John P. Fitzgibbons, S.J. The opening general session was a panel discussion entitled “What’s Catholic about Catholic Biblical Scholarship” with the following panelists: Peter Williamson, Harry Attridge, Anathea Portier-Young, Pauline Viviano, Roberto Martinez, O.F.M. Cap. The panel discussion was followed by a social.
Sessions on Saturday, July 29th
Five Task Forces and seven Continuing Seminars met simultaneously each day from 9:00 to 10:45 A.M. The Task Forces included: “Biblical Hermeneutics and Cultural Studies” (co-conveners: Richard J. Bautch and Jean-François Racine; core group members in attendance: Gina Hens-Piazza, Michael Patella, O.S.B., David Penchansky, Sandra M. Schneiders, I.H.M., David W. Smith, Peter Spitaler); “Feminist Biblical Hermeneutics” (Mary Ann Beavis and Carol J. Dempsey, O.P. standing in for co-conveners: Lai Ling E. Ngan and Ahida E. Pilarski); core group members in attendance Damian L. Dietlein, O.S.B, Barbara E. Reid, O.P., Lauress Wilkins Lawrence); “God the Father in Paul’s Letters” (co-conveners: Robert O’Toole, S.J., and Timothy Milinovich; core group members in attendance: Normand R. Bonneau, O.M.I., Mary T. Brien, P.B.V.M., Nélida Naveros Córdova, C.D.P., John L. Gillman, Mark J. Goodwin, Brent A. Kruger, C.S.C., Elliott C. Maloney, O.S.B., Larry David McCormick, Maria Pascuzzi, C.S.J., Pheme Perkins, Mark P. Reasoner, Thomas D. Stegman, S.J., Ronald D. Witherup); “God in the Synoptic Gospels” (co-conveners: Brigid Frein and Séamus G. O’Connell; core group members in attendance: Dulcinea Boesenberg, Teresa Calpino, Timothy Carmody, Roberto Martinez, O.F.M. Cap., Mary Anne Stachow, S.B.S, Patricia Walters); “John’s Gospel and the Old Testament” was cancelled in the absence of its conveners.
The Continuing Seminars and their respective leaders studied: “Paul within Antiquity: Reading Paul within the Greco-Roman Context” (Michael P. Barber and Brant J. Pitre); “Epistle to the Hebrews” (Kevin B. McCruden); “Purity and Sacrifice in Second Temple Judaism and Emerging Christianity: Teaching on Purity and Sacrifice in an Introduction to the Bible without Perpetuating Anti-Judaism” (John J. Clabeaux and Christopher Seeman); “The Deuterocanonical Books: History, Memory, and Ideology” (Jeremy Corley and Vincent Skemp); “Hebrew Poetry: The Poetry of Second Isaiah” (Joseph E. Jensen and Pauline A. Viviano); and “Divinity in Ancient Israel: Deuteronomistic Deities in Judges and Samuel” (Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, Andrew Davis, and Garrett Galvin, O.F.M.).
The morning concluded with papers presented in simultaneous sessions: Anathea Portier-Young, “Re-embodying Old Testament Prophecy: A Parable and Case Study” and Brant J. Pitre, “A New Covenant Jew: A Response to the Radical New Perspective on Paul.”
Four sessions of research reports during the afternoon heard the following papers delivered: Timothy M. Willis, “The Verb gārēš and the Deuteronomistic Tradition”; Sherri Brown, “Apostles to the Apostles: The Role of Women in John”; Evangeline Kozitza [Emerging Scholar Fellow], “Law and Narrative in Luke 2:22-24”; Patrick J. Russell, “The Parables Project: A Research Status Report”; Garrett Galvin, O.F.M., “The Book of Genesis and the Spiritual Formation of God’s People”; Robert Kugler, “Job agonistes? Considering the Genre of T.Job 36-38”; Paul Korchin, “King Solomon the Nostalgic”; Brian Yong Lee, “Forgive and Be Forgiven: New Testament Theology of Forgiveness and Leviticus 19:17-18”; Laurie Brink, O.P., “Reconciling the Divide of Disciplines: Rereading 2 Corinthians”; Toan Do, “Mark 3:20-21 & Its Structure?”; Tyler Stewart [Emerging Scholar Fellow], “Making Sense of Evil: Angelic Rebellion and Abrahamic Sonship in Jubilees”; Joachim Eck, “Why Do Aetiologies in Num 11 ‘Explain’ Unknown Desert Spots?”; Dennis Hamm, S.J., “The Chosen: A Significant Thread in the Fabric of Luke-Acts”; Ximena Debroeck, “Ritual, Remembrance, Reorientation: Vital for the Believer”; vanThanh Nguyen, S.V.D., “Magic and Witchcraft in Acts”; Joseph Riordan, S.J., “ἀγαλλίαμα and the Eschatological Sequence in Tob 13:11 (GII)”; Richard J. Clifford, S.J., “Genesis 2-3: Do the Moving Parts Fit Together?”; Lauress Wilkins Lawrence, “Joel: An Ecofeminist Reading for Troubled Times”; Timothy Milinovich, “The Noise and the Signal: Paul’s Use of Rhetorical Inversion against the Opponents”; Michael G. Azar, “The Deification of ‘Witnesses’ in John’s Apocalypse”; Mark Goodwin, “Romans 5:5, Origen, and Participation: Reading Paul Through a Patristic Lens.”
The Sunday celebration of the Eucharist was held in St. John Francis Regis Chapel. The Most Rev. Samuel J. Aquila, Archbishop of Denver, was presider and homilist with Rev. John P. Fitzgibbons, S.J. concelebrating assisted by Deacon Joseph E. Jensen. Members of the association who died since the last meeting were commemorated during the liturgy: Michael Glotzbach, James F. Kauffmann, Seán Kealy C.S.Sp., Bruce J. Malina, Francis Martin.
Sunday’s dinner was sponsored by the Regis University President. The evening concluded with an plenary address entitled, “Did/Could Women Pray the Qumran Thanksgiving Psalms?” delivered by the CBA President Eileen M. Schuller, O.S.U., followed by a social hour.
Sessions on Monday, July 30th
Ferdinand Okorie was the presider and homilist for the 7:00 A.M. celebration of Eucharist.
The task forces and continuing seminars resumed their work in the morning, followed by simultaneous sessions: “Build the Wall! Social Identities, Ambiguity and Border Construction in the Bible's Shephelah Tales” delivered by Mahri Leonard-Fleckman and “Universalizing Paul’s Thought: Ephesians as a Rewrite of Paul’s Letters” presented by Gregory E. Sterling. During the lunch period, Timothy Milinovich offered a workshop, “Guidance for the Job Search” that continued during dinner.
Two sessions of research reports during the afternoon heard the following papers delivered: Don C. Benjamin, “The Impact of Sargon & Enheduanna on Land Rights in Deuteronomy”; Harry Hagan, O.S.B., “The Call Narratives throughout the Bible”; Mark C. Kiley, “Does Luke’s Jesus Open Text-Critical Issues in chs. 22 and 23?”; Ferdinand Okorie, “Divine Favor and the Return of Gratitude with a Scar to Show for It in Gal 6:17b”; Nelida Naveros Cordova, C.D.P., “Philo and the Power of Piety”; John T. Willis, “Truth and Falsehood in Jeremiah”; Mark Enemali, C.S.Sp., “Naaman’s Story as a Positive Representation of Foreigners (2 Kings 5:1-27)”; Julius-Kei Kato, “Break It to Me Gently: Confronting the Fourth Gospel’s ‘Shadows’ in Communities that Love John”; Alexander Salakpi, “Εἰδωλόθυτον in 1 Cor 8:1-13 and its Implications for Ancestor Veneration among the Ewe in Ghana”; Marie Noonan Sabin, “The Evolving of the Divine Feminine in Scripture and Theology”.
Business Meeting
Eileen M. Schuller, O.S.U. called the meeting to order at 3:23 p.m. having established a quorum (106 present with 93 required for the quorum). She called for a moment of silence after reciting the names of members who had passed away since the last meeting. Starting with the In Memoriam, a PowerPoint slides accompanied each point of the meeting.
The Executive Director’s report was given by Joseph C. Atkinson, beginning with a recognition that in the past few years CBA has been undergoing a series of changes. He stated that the revision of the Constitution and By-Laws have been pivotal in guiding the office’s move to modernize and bring up to best practices the association’s finances, legal status, as well as membership and subscription management. He added that the most serious challenges have been addressed. By the end of the year, he indicated, there will be a preliminary assessment of the implementation with the final assessment being concluded by May 2019.
Atkinson discussed the soon to be launched membership database. The company providing the platform is noviAMS. He added that the novi staff are professional and the product is excellent. The membership database is integrated with the widely used financial software, QuickBooks, a meeting registration program, and the new website being constructed. In the new website, members will have their own personal section that will report the membership status, education, teaching history, and specializations. The member compass will also keep track of meeting registrations, and payment history. The membership directory is easy to use. CBA will no longer have a secondary database. Since payments are recorded in the member compass in real-time, there no longer is any excuse for members to allow their dues payments to lapse.
Atkinson reported that managing subscription services, particularly with agents, requires complex software which does not easily integrate with membership services. While the CBA office will continue to manage membership services (including the benefit of a CBQ subscription), beginning with the 2019 subscription cycle the CBA office will no longer be managing subscription services. The subscription services for The Catholic Biblical Quarterly and Old Testament Abstracts will be through Johns Hopkins University Press (JHUP) with The Catholic University of America Press (CUA Press) as an intermediary. CUA Press will be taking on the fulfilment of the CBQ Manuscript Series (CBQMS). Atkinson affirmed that CBA will maintain editorial control of its publications; it is the subscription services, and fulfillment aspects that have been outsourced. New Testament Abstracts (NTA) has not finalized the details of its subscription services, but he suggested that NTA may be entering into a similar arrangement with JHUP and CUA Press.
Atkinson noted that next meeting of the CBA will be at Walsh University in North Canton, Ohio, with the National Football League museum nearby. He reminded the members that awhile ago the Executive Board appointed an ad hoc committee to review and make recommendations about the location and management of the annual general meeting. The Board approved the recommendation of a rotation of a few meeting sites that would allow for more leverage in negotiation, lowering costs, and regularize logistics. CUA is in consideration for one of those locations, with the last year’s meeting evaluation concerns for the necessity of golf carts and better food service being noted as necessary. Atkinson pointed out that the meeting evaluations are extremely important in the planning of future meetings and encouraged the members present to complete the evaluation form as soon as it was sent to them.
The Executive Director’s report continued with an announcement that the CBA Bookkeeper and Office Manager, Violet Halton will be retiring by the end of the year. Atkinson related that Violet has been indispensable in the past twenty-five plus years. In her time as bookkeeper, she has saved CBA much money and attended to the questions of the membership both on the phone and at the annual meetings. By means of recognition, the members present applauded Violet. Atkinson added that in CBA has hired a CPA, Dawn Brown of AZ Business Consulting, to take over the bookkeeping responsibilities. The consulting team includes legal counsel which is an added benefit.
Atkinson noted that last year the CBA Board set aside $30,000 for CBA grants. The CBA Standing Committees have been asked to come up with ideas or programs that could be funded by that $30,000 and/or that the ad hoc Committee on Development could suggest avenues for funding. He added that there will be more on this in future newsletters and on the CBA website.
Atkinson reported that in the process of setting up the new financial software and membership database, the CBA office learned that some essential reporting had been neglected. CBA being such a venerable institution, many of the regulations pertaining to non-profits have changed several times in its lifespan. He assured that membership that CBA is now in the process of being in complete compliance for non-profits.
Atkinson recognized Richard Clifford, S.J. on his fiftieth year of CBA meeting attendance. The members present applauded the milestone. Atkinson also offered gratitude to the CBA Executive Board which has great care for the Association, to the office staff, Lisa Tarker and Violet Halton, who worked hard to make the 2018 meeting a success, and to Kathleen Angel and the Regis University personnel who provided such warm hospitality.
The Executive Director’s report concluded with a setting out of goals for the future: 1) to grow attendance at the annual general meeting; 2) to address the restructuring of the CBA office; 3) to grow membership. Atkinson added that there is a uniqueness to CBA with its combination of academics and faith. He encouraged members to reach out to their students and colleagues, inviting them to become members and participate in the future meetings.
Schuller opened the floor for questions. There being none, she called for a motion to accept the Executive Director’s report. Michael Simone, S.J. so moved and Timothy Milinovich seconded the motion. The Full Members present accepted the report in a unanimous voice vote.
The report of the Committee on Finance and Investments was presented by the committee Chair, Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S. who began with a note of appreciation to the committee members, John Kaltner, Michael Patella, O.S.B., Harold W. Attridge, Jr., Charles G. Kosanke, Thomas G. Stegman, and Joseph C. Atkinson who serves as an ex officio member.
Witherup proceeded by noting that the committee has been working on a number of items. He reported that CBA has never had a budget process. The office managed by anticipating profits and expenses based on the previous year’s financial report. In the past year, the committee has worked with Atkinson and Halton in preparing its first budget. In the upcoming years, the office and committee will review and refine the process. Witherup also pointed out that there never has been a job description for the Executive Director nor the Secretary, so there are plans in the next year to remedy that.
The PowerPoint slides presented the financial statements. Witherup indicated that he would emphasize some items rather than read the statement line by line (the financial statements will be posted to the “2018 Business Meeting” webpage for CBA members to review). Beginning with the receipts, he noted that CBA relies on the income from subscriptions and the like, but that the important figure is royalties which is a significant source of income. As for expenses, he pointed out that the Executive Director’s Account line item involved the costs of running the CBA office. He also called attention to the various line items which include honoraria. The Executive Board has asked the committee to review the honoraria since the figures have remained the same for a significant time. Upon looking at the balance sheet, Witherup noted that the term “on hand” was a misnomer insofar as the figure, $11,722,673.23 includes CBA investments. Nonetheless, CBA currently is in a good financial state with a balance of $12,249,411.88 as of June 30, 2018.
Witherup continued his report with an update on CBA investments. He noted that the CBA investments with UBS have grown considerably in the past 8 years, with CBA investments being $6.6 million in 2011 and now over $11 million. UBS investments hold to the CBA policy of 69% in equities, 26% in fixed income, and 5% in cash. Witherup added that CBA does have alternative investments that provide some income, but not as significant as UBS. He suggested that the if the CBA investment portfolio keeps in the 5-6% range, it will not only permit CBA the funds to run the office, but to increase the amount allocated for grants.
Witherup stated that the committee has recommended to the Executive Board that there are funds available to restart a limited number of the grant programs suspended in the market downturn. Some of the programs the Board has expressed interest in are assisting graduate students in attending CBA meetings and reestablishing visiting professorships at the Pontifical Biblical Institute and École Biblique.
The report concluded with Witherup reiterating that the committee is committed to reviewing and refining the budget process. He commended the CBA office on keeping on top of expenses.
Schuller opened the floor for questions. There being none, she called for a motion to accept the report of the Committee on Finance and Investments. Damian Dietlein, O.S.B. so moved and Dierdre A. Dempsy seconded the motion. The Full Members present accepted the report in a unanimous voice vote.
Leslie J. Hoppe, O.F.M. presented his report as General Editor of The Catholic Biblical Quarterly. He began by reporting that the state of the journal is very good. After 80 years, CBQ continues to make a valuable contribution to biblical scholarship. At the last CBA meeting, the CBQ Editorial Board moved to have a special edition for the80th anniversary, so the forthcoming volume 80, number 4 issue is devoted to articles that use newer exegetical and hermeneutical approaches to signal to potential contributors our willingness to publish such studies.
Hoppe expressed appreciation to the editors who are completing their second term of service on the CBQ Editorial Board as of December 31: Beverly Gaventa, Jennifer Glancy, Katherine Hays, and Brent Strawn. He added that Christopher Frechette has resigned from the editorial board and David Bosworth has ended his service at Old Testament Book Review Editor. Bradley Gregory is beginning his first four year term as Old Testament Review Editor. He also noted the contribution of Copy Editor, Maurya Horgan, and Managing Editor, Christopher T. Begg’s whose services ensure that the issues are produced in a timely manner and as error-free as possible. Hoppe expressed appreciation for those who review books, noting that publishers are more reluctant to send review copies without first receiving a request. He suggested that if anyone has a book that they are interested in reviewing, that the contact the appropriate review editor: Mary Ann Beavis for New Testament and Bradley Gregory for Old Testament. Hoppe also thanked those who are serving on the Editorial Board, indicating their thoroughness in reviewing articles. He then presented statistics on submissions, acceptances and rejections, noting that more than a few authors have thanked the editors for their suggestions in reconsidering the article.
Hoppe mentioned that the CBQ receives approximately 30 more submission today than received five years ago. The size of the editorial board, however, has remained the same. He noted that it is essential that submissions be reviewed and decisions about publication be made in a timely fashion. The CBA By-Laws limit the number of CBA members that can be elected to the CBQ Editorial Board to eight which is not enough to handle the influx of articles. To rectify the situation, the Executive Board has issued an emergency measure permitting the election of twelve, instead of eight at this meeting. Hoppe added that at the next meeting a motion to amend the By-Law 3.5.8 to read “At each annual general meeting normally eight Associate Editors of the CBQ,…”
Hoppe moved that the following persons recommended by the CBQ Editorial Board be elected to serve on that Board (2019-22): Corrine L. Carvalho, Maria Pascuzzi, Christopher W. Skinner, and Mark S. Smith, for a second consecutive term; Klaus-Peter Adam, Thomas M. Bolin, Annette Bourland Huizenga, Colleen M. Conway, Heath D. Hewrell, Kevin B. McCruden, Catherine E. Petrany, and Marion L. Soards for a first term.
The floor was opened for questions. Mark Smith observed that the number of articles accepted and rejected did not add up to the number of articles received. Hoppe replied that many at the beginning of each year articles are still in the review process. With no further questions or comments, Hoppe moved that the report be accepted by the members. The motion carried in a unanimous voice vote.
In the absence of Christopher T. Begg, Joseph E. Jensen presented presented the report of the General Editor of Old Testament Abstracts. The February and June issues of OTA 41 (2018 have appeared; together they contain a total of 1,487 article abstracts and 202 book abstracts. The October 2018 issue is at the typesetters and the plan is to have this issue appear in October. The floor was opened for questions and comments. There being none, Schuller asked for a motion to accept the report. Michael W. Duggan so moved and Thomas McCreesh, O.P. seconded the motion. The members in a unanimous voice vote approved the motion.
Schuller then called forth Richard J. Bautch to deliver his report as General Editor of CBQMS. He began with a recognition of his predecessor, Rob Kugler who concluded his term as General Editor at the end of 2017. Bautch noted that Kugler had done a fine job and that the transfer of manuscripts and editorial protocols is complete, with the series moving forward. Bautch reiterated that CUA Press will be taking over the printing, marketing, sales, and distribution of CBQMS. CBA will continue to have full editorial control. CUA Press will bring the series more exposure and more extensive marketing; the CBQMS will be listed in the print and online catalogues of CUA Press, and it will become part of Project MUSE.
Bautch reported that four manuscripts were received in the past year. After an initial review and subsequent review by multiple editors, one was accepted but sent back for revision. The author is in the process of revising. Another manuscript was reviewed initially and by multiple editors before being rejected. A third manuscript received an initial review and was sent back for corrections, after which it will be sent to multiple editors for a full review. The fourth manuscript was recently received and is under initial review.
The report concluded with Bautch urging members to keep CBQMS in mind when undertaking a book-length study of a text (or texts) from the Old or New Testament and to consider recommending CBQMS to colleagues if their work seems a right fit for the series.
The floor was opened for questions. Benedict T. Viviano, O.P. asked for more information regarding Project MUSE. Schuller recognized Atkinson to address the question. He reported that Project MUSE is a large online database of peer-reviewed academic journals and electronic books that does not compete with ATLA and world-wide serves different populations. Atkinson added that being included in Project MUSE means much more exposure for CBA.
With no further questions forthcoming, Schuller called for a motion to accept the report. John L. McLaughlin so moved and Rob Kugler seconded the motion. In a unanimous voice vote, the Full members accepted the report of the General Editor of CBQMS.
Bautch was again recognized by Schuller to speak to a new series that is a joint venture between CBA and the Paulist Press. Frank Matera, the General Editor of the series, was unable to be in Denver for the meeting and asked that Bautch mention the series. The series, entitled Biblical Studies from the CBA, will bring the fruits of CBA work to and educated population without scriptural expertise. The series is modeled after Cahiers Évangile and will begin in 2020 with Matera’s contribution on biblical theology in the New Testament. Bautch concluded with an invitation to members to contribute to the series. Any member interested should contact, Frank Matera or other members of the editorial board. More information will be on the CBA website.
The report of the Committee on Membership was presented by Joseph C. Atkinson who moved that the following individuals be approved for membership into The Catholic Biblical Association of America at their respective levels with all the inherent benefits:
For Full Membership
Martha M. Acosta Valle, Paul N. Anderson, Lisa Marie Belz, O.S.U., Atila Bodor, Christopher E.J. Brenna,
Llane B. Briese, Nicholas Cachia, Michael T. T. Castori, S.J., Francis Daoust, Susana de Sola Funsten, Bryan R. Dyer, Roy A. Fisher, Andrew T. Glicksman, Davis Hankins, Elaine T. James, Dylan R. Johnson, Jennifer T. Kaalund,
Cesare Mariano, David M. Moffit, Vien V. Nguyen, John T. Noble, Leonardo Pessoa de Silva Pinto,
Nathanael R. Polinski, Michael L. Rapp, Elizabeth E. Shively, Malka S. Simkovich, David M. Smiley,
Andries G. Van Aarde, James P. Ware.
For Associate Membership
Tommaso Bacci, Peter J. Battaglia, Rick G. Bauer, Adam D. Booth, C.S.C., David A. Burnett, Frederick D. Carr,
Tyng-Guang Chu, Anna M. Gissing, Raleigh C. Heth, Eric X. Jarrard, Michael B. Johnson, Ally Kateusz,
Evangeline Kozitza, Mark A. Lackowski, Kenneth C. Mmuoebonam, O.C.D., Alexander E. Rivera, Paul J. Sander,
Tyler Stewart, Geraldine C. Uzodimma, Angela E. Zautcke.
The floor was open for questions. There being none, the candidates were accepted by unanimous voice vote. After the vote, Atkinson pointed out that the two Emerging Scholars Fellows, Evangeline Kotzitza and Tyler Stewart, were amongst those who have been accepted as Associate Members.
As Chair, Brigid Frein presented the report of the Committee on Nominations. She thanked the CBA staff for their assistance, to the membership for their suggestions, and to committee members (Kelley Coblentz Bautch, Lai Ling Ngan, Vincent Skemp, Harry Nasuti, and Ahida Pilarski) for their work to ensure the best candidate for each open position. The following officers were unanimously approved by the CBA membership through verbal votes: Harold W. Attridge for Chair of the Executive Board (2018-21), Dale Launderville, O.S.B. for President of CBA (2018-19), Gina Hens-Piazza for Vice-President of CBA (2018-19), John Endres, S.J. and Jean-Pierre Ruiz for Consultors of the Executive Board (2018-20).
Through unanimous voice votes, the following were approved for committee membership: Sheila McGinn and Michael Patella, O.S.B. for first term on Finance and Investment (2018-21); Andrew Davis and John Clabeaux for first term on Nominations (2018-21); Sherri Brown for first term on Program for the Annual General Meeting (2018-21); Pauline Viviano and Joachim Eck for Research Support; Francis M. Macatangay, Patrick Pouchelle, Jean-François Racine for first term (2018-20) and John Kaltner for an extended one year term (2018-19) on Technology and Outreach.
Before the vote, the floor was opened for questions. Ann Marie Kitz observed that of the 16 positions available in 8 committees, only 4 of the nominees presented were women. She asked how the nomination process worked. Frein answered that the Committee on Nominations was aware of the gap. The committee first took in consideration the names that surfaced in the questionnaire sent to the membership in the Spring. The committee undertook to place the best candidate in each open position, but first the candidate had to accept the nomination. There were more than a few instances when the nomination was refused and the committee had to surface another candidate. Frein concluded her remarks by stating that soon after the meeting the CBA office would be sending out a preliminary survey. She urged members to consider who would be a good candidate for CBA leadership roles. She mentioned that members could volunteer themselves as well. Another more complete questionnaire will be sent out in the Spring.
Todd R. Hanneken presented the report of the Committee on Research Support, in the absence of Greg Sterling, the committee Chair. He reported that in the last year and a half, seven CBA/CCD grants have been awarded for a total of $132,629, including three grants in the first half of this year for a total of $46,729. These include awards to the following: Timothy Carmody for “Biblical Courses for First Year Deacon Formation,” Mahri Leonard-Fleckman for “Between Text, Materiality, and Culture,” and Rafael Ramirez for “Increasing Biblical Literacy among the Spanish-Speaking Community.” He noted that two of these awards are educational in orientation and one is research oriented.
Hanneken continued stating that the committee received four applications for the second round of 2018. These awards have a complex funding arrangement. The current structure includes separate vetting processes by the CBA committee and a committee of bishops representing the CCD. He noted that the CBA and CCD are trying to work out an arrangement that will promote better communication between the two committees.
The report concluded with an invitation for members with an idea to be funded to see Hanneken after the meeting or to visit the CBA website for the guidelines and forms for proposal.
A question from the floor asked what happens to funds not used in a grant cycle. Hanneken answered that the money was rolled into the next grant cycle for five years. After the fifth year, the money remaining will be administered by CCD for biblical project of their choosing. Felix Just, S.J. asked how much money was available each year. Mary Elizabeth Sperry was recognized to answer the question. She responded that there has been between $100-$125 thousand each cycle. For the current cycle, nearly one quarter of a million dollars was available.
Sandra Schneiders, I.H.M. asked what areas would be considered worthy of consideration for a grant. Sperry, reading from the CBA website, reported: “Biblical Scholarship (particularly original research by Catholic scholars), Archaeological Research, Pastoral and Catechetical Programs, Bible Education in Seminaries, Continuing Biblical Education of Clergy.” Isaac Kalimi followed up with a question as to whether the grants were limited to Catholic scholars. Hanneken responded that the grants were only available to CBA members, but that the committee does not discriminate in reviewing proposals. Kalimi suggested that the website language be changed to reflect that.
Hanneken moved that the report be accepted. In a unanimous voice vote, the Full members accepted the report.
On behalf of the Committee on Resolutions, Harold W. Attridge, Jr., introduced two motions. The first motion which passed unanimously by voice vote was: WHEREAS Regis University and its President, Fr. John Fitzgibbons, S.J., have offered to The Catholic Biblical Association a warm welcome and enabled its membership to enjoy a mile high experience of hospitality, the Association wishes to express to the University and its administration, faculty and staff its profound gratitude and deep appreciation.

Before reading the second resolution, Violet Halton was called to the stage. Attridge then announced: WHEREAS Violet has given more than 25 years of dedicated service to The Catholic Biblical Association, carefully tending to the efficient operation of its office and offering her warm friendship to its members at the Annual Meeting, the Association wishes to congratulate her on her recent marriage and extend its heartfelt gratitude and prayerful best wishes for delightful years of retirement. At the conclusion of the pronouncement, Violet received a standing ovation. Atkinson announced that members has ben asked to send a note of thanks and/or congratulations which were inserted into a scrapbook that was then presented to Violet. From the back of the auditorium, Harry Nasuti declared that he had a special delivery. A scroll was presented to Violet which she unrolled to reveal a check in the amount of $2,500—$100 for each year of service to CBA. Violet thanked the members, stating that whenever she came to CBA meetings it was like coming home. While it was difficult to leave; it was time. She also encouraged all to stay members in good standing by never allowing their dues to lapse.
New Business
Christopher Seemans issued an invitation to the 82nd International Meeting of The Catholic Biblical Association which will be held July 27-30, 2019 at Walsh University in North Canton, Ohio. He said he had original issued the invitation for 2020, but since CBA could not locate a site for 2019, he booked the facility for a year earlier.
Felix Just, S.J. raised a point of order. He noted that the report of the General Editor of CBQMS did not include nominees to replace the four Associate Editors whose terms conclude at the end of 2018. Bautch asserted that he was unaware that the nominations were to be presented at the meeting since the terms concluded at year’s end. No resolution was put forth.
Schuller wrapped up the meeting with a word of gratitude to the committee members who have completed their terms. She added a special thanks to Pheme Perkins who just concluded a three year term as the first CBA Chair of the Executive Board. The members responded in applause.
With Maria Pascuzzi so moving, the 2018 Business Meeting was adjourned at 4:56 p.m.
Before dinner, Mary Ann Stachow, S.B.S. presided and preached during “Out of Darkness” a Prayer Service on the UN World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.
The general session in the evening was a panel discussion on “Raymond Brown’s Legacy” led by Donald P. Senior, C.P. and panelists, Mary Boys, S.N.J.M., Sandra Schneiders, I.H.M., and Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S. A social hour, sponsored by Paulist Press, concluded the evening.
Sessions on Tuesday, July 31st
Dennis Hamm S.J. was the principal celebrant and homilist for the 7:00 a.m. Eucharistic liturgy.
The task forces and continuing seminars met in the first part of the morning. The meeting concluded with a general session address by Brent A. Strawn, “Psalm 77, Or: How to Read Scripture (Especially in Hard Times).”
Members and invited guests at the 2018 CBA Annual General Meeting:
Albl, Martin C. Alderman, Isaac M. Anderson, Gary A. Atkinson, Joseph C. Attridge, Harold W Azar, Michael G. Bacci, Tommaso Banfich, Annie Barber, Michael Barker, O.M.I., John R. Bauer, Rick G. Bautch, Richard Beavis, Mary Ann Benjamin, Don C. Betancourt, S.E.M.V., Juan Miguel Birge, S.S.J., Mary Kate Boesenberg, Dulcinea L. Boys, S.N.J.M., Mary Brien, P.B.V.M., Mary T. Brink, O.P., Laurie Brown, Katherine E. Brown, Sherri Byrns, Bob Calpino, Teresa Carlson, Laura Carmody, Timothy R. Carvalho, Corrine Christoffersen, Hans Chu, Tyng-Guang Ciccarino, Christopher M. Clabeaux, John J. Clifford, S.J., Richard J. Cook, S.C., Joan Corely, Thomas J. Cotter, Wendy Cousins, Francis Davids, B.S.C.D, Peter H. Davis, Andrew DeBroeck, Ximena Dempsey, O.P., Carol J. Dempsey, Deirdre A. DeVivo, Jenny Dietlein, O.S.B., Damian L. Dillon, Richard J. DiMicco, Russell G. Dinkler, Michal Beth Di Vito, Robert A. Do, Toan Duggan, Michael W. Dyer, Bryan Eck, Joachim M. Elliott, Susan M. Elliott, Neil Enemali, C.S.Sp., Mark Esposito, O.Cist., Thomas Fisher, Roy Allan Frechette, Christopher Frein, Brigid Curtin Gadenz, Pablo Galvin, Garrett Mortimer Gillman, Florence M. Gillman, John L. Glicksman, Andrew T. Goodwin, Mark J. Grant, Deena Gray, Allison L. Gray, Tim Gregory, Bradley |
Gutkowski, Sharon M. Haddad, Najeeb Hagan, O.S.B., Harry Hamm SJ, Dennis Hanneken, Todd R. Hens-Piazza, Gina Hermes, Richard C. Hibbard, Todd Hogan, Karina M. Hoppe, O.F.M., Leslie J. Horgan, Maurya P. Howe, Mary Lynn Lynn Huizenga, Annette Bourland Jackson, John R. Janus, C.S.P., Mark-David Jensen, Joseph E. Judge, Peter J. Just, S.J., Felix Kalimi, Isaac Kaltner, John Kateusz, Ally Kato, Julius-Kei Kinney, James Kitz, Anne Marie Kobelski, Paul J. Kohler, John Korchin, Paul Kozitza, Evangeline Kruger, C.S.C., Brent Kugler, Robert Lanigan, Anne M. Launderville, O.S.B., Dale Lauter, O.S.U., Larraine Lawrence, Lauress W. Lee, Brian Y. Leonard-Fleckman, Mahri S. Levine, Amy-Jill Macatangay, Francis M. Magallanes, Sophia Maloney, O.S.B., Elliott C. Manzo, Laura Marek, Libor Martinez, O.F.M. Cap., Roberto Mason, Eric F. Matson, Mark Mazich O.S.B., Edward McCormick, Larry D. McCreesh, O.P., Thomas P. McCruden, Kevin B. McLaughlin, John L. Meier, John P. Milinovich, Timothy Mmuoebonam, O.C.D., Kenneth Chimezie Moffitt, David Monnig, S.J., Matthew Moriarty, S.M., Robert Morrison, Craig E. Morton, Russell S. Muller, S.J., Earl C. Nasuti, Harry Naveros, C.D.P., Nelida Nelson, Richard D. Nguyen, S.V.D., vanThanh Noble, John O’Brien, Kelli O'Connell, Séamus |
Ohlhausen, Sidney K. Okorie, Ferdinand Okoye, C.S.Sp., James C. O'Toole, S.J., Robert F. Pascuzzi, C.S.J., Maria Patella, O.S.B., Michael F. Penchansky, David Perkins, Pheme Petrany, Catherine Pitre, Brant J. Polinski, O.S.B., Nathanael Edward Portalatin, Antonio Portier-Young, Anathea Prinz, V.D.M.F., Julia D.E. Punch, Catherine Racine, Jean-Francois Ramirez, Rafael M. Rapp, Michael L. Rappe, Donald Reasoner, Mark Reid, O.P., Barbara E. Riordan, S.J., Joseph Roach, Brian Rodriguez, Maria Rosenblatt, R.S.M., Eloise Rosolen, Higinio Rafael Russell, Patrick Ryan, O.P., Stephen Sabin, Marie F. Salakpi, Alexander G. K. Salvador, M.M., Roberta L. Saulnier, Stéphane Schmidt OP, Jordan Schneck, S.J., Richard J. Schneiders, I.H.M., Sandra M. Schuller, O.S.U., Eileen Seeman, Chris Senior,C.P., Donald P. Sias, Eric J. Simone, S.J., Michael R. Smith, Mark Smith, David Whitten Spatafora, M.S.F., Andrea Sperry, Mary E. Spitaler, Peter St. Clair, Craig Stachow, S.B.S., Mary Ann C. Stefanów, S.V.D., Jan J. Stegman, S.J., Thomas D. Sterling, Gregory E. Stewart, Tyler Strawn, Brent A. Stroup, Christopher Thompson Hagarty, Maura Thomson, Michael Tobin, S.J., Thomas H. Vance, Donald R. Viviano, O.P., Benedict T. Viviano, Pauline A. Walker, Mary Walters, Patricia Waters, Jaime L. Williamson, Peter S. Willis, Timothy M. Willis, John Wisniewski, Richard Witherup P.S.S., Ronald D. |
Dr. Joseph C. Atkinson
CBA Executive Director
Lisa A. Tarker
CBA Executive Assistant
Recording Secretaries