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Dear CBA Members,

I hope all is well with you and your families. I am writing to ask you that if you have published a monograph within the last 12 months or have one coming out in the next 4-6 months, could you please email me the details. We are trying to line up authors for the CBA Unbound Book Review Virtual Series for the Fall of 2024 and Spring of 2025. If you are interested in having your work reviewed by an outstanding panel in one of these events, please email me at and cc Joshua Scott at and we will put you in the queue for the upcoming UBRs. These events are well attended and offer a great opportunity to promote your research and publications.

If you are attending the AGM in Washington DC in August and would be interested in sitting down for a 10 minute “author interview” in which we will promote your latest book with some probing questions, please email Joshua Scott at This can include authors or editors of multi-contributor volumes, Festschrifts, or monographs. In addition, we will be doing our “What has CBA done for me?” interview series at the AGM again this year. If you are interested in taking part in these fun interviews, please email Joshua as soon as possible. Again, you must be present at the AGM to take part.

We look forward to seeing many of you on the campus of Catholic University in August for what should be an excellent meeting and great social time to see friends and make new friends. Please see the CBA website to register for in person and if you can make it to DC please consider signing up to join us virtually.

Best regards,

Archie T. Wright
CBA Executive Director