Congratulations, Ahida Calderón Pilarski!


Congratulations to CBA member, Ahida Calderón Pilarski, on assuming the Presidency of Academy of the Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS) during its annual Colloquium (June 9-12, 2024). This year's theme, “Synodality En Conjunto: The People of God, the Bible, and Theology” focused on a historical moment in the life of the Catholic Church, the current Synod, through the five priorities advanced by the USCCB in its Final Document for the Synod.

Pope Francis addressed the participants of the 2024 ACHTUS Colloquium as “conocedores de la Biblia y hacedores de la teología” and called upon the theologians “ser constructores de puentes entre las Américas, para que nuestros pueblos tengan una buena vida y abundancia.”

CBA granted funds to ACHTUS ( towards the hosting the 2024 Colloquium banquet.