Proposed Amendments
Dear CBA Member:
I hereby am notifying you that during the CBA Business Meeting on Monday, August 4, 2024 at The Catholic University of America (CUA) and via Zoom, FULL MEMBERS will be asked to vote on a motion to amend the CBA Constitution and By-Laws proposed by the Executive Board. According to Article IX of the CBA Constitution,
The CBA Constitution and By-Laws are posted to the CBA website (
Biblical Studies of the CBA
Rationale: In 2014, Paulist Press proposed a series of biblical studies in partnership with CBA. CBA created an Editorial Board that provided the manuscripts. Paulist Press published and marketed the series and CBA received royalties. The proposal is to include the General Editor and Editorial Board in the Constitution and By-Laws as are the other CBA publications.
That the Constitution and By-Laws be amended to include the General Editor and Editorial Board of the Biblical Studies from the CBA (BSCBA) in the following manner:
- the addition of “the General Editor of the Biblical Studies from the CBA (BSCBA)” to Article IV Section 2 to read
“Between annual general meetings the Association shall be governed by an Executive Board consisting of the Chair, the President, the immediate Past President, the Vice-President, the Executive Director (ex officio, non-voting), the General Editor of The Catholic Biblical Quarterly (CBQ), the General Editor of Old Testament Abstracts (OTA), the General Editor of the Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series (CBQMS) and Catholic Biblical Quarterly Imprints (CBQI), the General Editor of the Biblical Studies of CBA (BSCBA), the Chair of the Committee on Finance and Investment, and four Consultors who serve as non-officer members.
- the addition of the following to Constitution Article V
Section 8: The duties of the General Editor of the Biblical Studies from the CBA shall be:
(a) To serve as Chair of the BSCBA Editorial Board;
(b) To accept, after due consultation with members of the Editorial Board, manuscripts for the BSCBA and to prepare them for publication.
- the current Constitution Article VI, Section 3 be renamed Section 4, so that the following may be added
Section 3. Members of the BSCBA Editorial Board shall be duly elected as specified in the By-laws and serve under the direction of the General Editor of BSCBA; their function shall be to assist the General Editor in planning and developing the series.
- the current sections By-Laws 3.5.8. and 3.5.9. be renamed so that the following be added:
3.5.8. At each annual general meeting at least two Associate Editors of the BSCBA, upon recommendation by the Editorial Board, shall be elected by the majority vote of the Full Members for a term of four years. Associate Editors may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
The proposed amendment is similar to one of those proposed last year. It is hoped that with the revisions the amendment will pass with “two-thirds of the Full Members present and voting” in favor, per ARTICLE IX of the CBA Constitution.
Meeting Invitation
Members are encouraged to attend the 86th International Meeting of the CBA, August 3-6, 2024 either in person at CUA in Washington, DC or virtually via Zoom.
All members (and member candidates) have received an email registration invitation. You need to login to the website in order to register for the meeting. Please note that registration for in-person participation will close at 11:59 PM EDT on July 1. After that point, there will be no way to register for in-person participation. Registration for the virtual participation will close at 11:59 PM EDT on July 24. Registration information and a link to meeting details are posted on the CBA website at
Thank you for your support of the CBA.
Archie T. Wright
Executive Director