2024-25 Grants from the CBA Awarded


In the summer of 2024, a total of $118,182 was awarded through the Grants from the CBA program for the following fifteen CBA member projects that the Committee on Research Support recommended:

  • $7,500 to Olegs Andrejev (Loyola University Chicago) forThe Minor Agreements 1830-2025 database  
  • $1,500 to Najeeb T. Haddad (Notre Dame of Maryland University) for East Meets West: Orthodox Biblical Interpretation and the Historical Critical Method
  • $5,000 to Charles Hughes-Huff (Sacred Heart Seminary & School of Theology) for Integrating Historical and Theological Exegesis: Retrospect and Prospect Colloquium
  • $10,000 to Samuel Klumpenhouwer (Independent Scholar) for The Glossa Ordinaria on Exodus: The Great Medieval Bible Commentary
  • $10,000 to Scott D. Mackie (Chapman University) for Seeing God in Philo of Alexandria: Contemplative Ascent and Mystical Visionary Experience
  • $9,220 to Candida R. Moss (University of Birmingham) for Enslaved Workers and Early Christian Literature: A Digital Database
  • $4,000 to James Nati (Santa Clara University) for The Beginning of Scripture: Writing, Truth, and Presence in Early Judaism
  • $8,000 to Melanie Peetz (Hochschule Sankt Georgen) for Feminist Commentary on the Book of Exodus 
  • $2,000 to Daniel Pioske (University of St. Thomas - Minnesota) for David at Hebron: Reading the Book of Samuel Among the Ruins
  • $4,170 to Timothy B. Sailors (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen) for The Earliest History and Characteristics of Ancient Armenian Translations of Biblical Materials: Textual Evidence and Critical Studies 
  • $5,000 to Alexander Salakpi (University of Ghana) for PanAfrican Association of Catholic Exegetes 21st Biennial Congress, Accra, Ghana, 2024
  • $14,792 to Kirsten Schäfers (University of Bonn) for In the Borderlands: Negotiating Boundaries in Num 25
  • $7,000 to Eileen Schuller, O.S.U. (McMaster University) for A Commentary on 1QHa, The Thanksgiving Scroll
  • $15,000 to Kevin Scott (Baylor University) for Disability and the Prophetic Witness in the Book of the Twelve
  • $15,000 to Christopher Skinner (Loyola University Chicago) for Anchor Yale Commentary (The Gospel of Thomas) 

CBA is grateful to the Committee members for their work in reviewing and recommending the grant proposals: Kelley Coblentz Bautch, Mary R. D'Angelo, Susanne Scholz, Amy-Jill Levine, Linda M. Maloney, Harry P. Nasuti, vanThanh Nguyen, S.V.D., and Jean-Pierre Ruiz (Chair).

The Grants from the CBA program was established in 2020 to promote Biblical Scholarship by providing financial assistance to CBA Full Members for specific projects that advance this goal.

In addition to the 2024-25 Grants from the CBA, at its Spring Meeting the Executive Board awarded $2,500 to the 2024 Pan African Association of Catholic Exegetes Congress and $5,000 to the III International Biblical Studies Congress.

The next application deadline is May 15, 2025.

For more information on the Grants from the CBA