Psalm 30
Thanksgiving for Deliverance
1 A psalm. A song for the dedication of the temple. Of David.
2 I praise you, LORD, for you raised me up
and did not let my enemies rejoice over me.
3 O LORD, my God,
I cried out to you and you healed me.
4 LORD, you brought me up from Sheol;
you kept me from going down to the pit.a
5 Sing praise to the LORD, you faithful;
give thanks to God's holy name.
6 For divine anger lasts but a moment;
divine favor lasts a lifetime.
At dusk weeping comes for the night;
but at dawn there is rejoicing.
7 Complacent, I once said,
"I shall never be shaken."
8 LORD, when you showed me favor
I stood like the mighty mountains.
But when you hid your face
I was struck with terror.b
9 To you, LORD, I cried out;
with the Lord I pleaded for mercy:
10 "What gain is there from my lifeblood,
from my going down to the grave?
Does dust give you thanks
or declare your faithfulness?
11 Hear, O LORD, have mercy on me;
LORD, be my helper."
12 You changed my mourning into dancing;
you took off my sackcloth
and clothed me with gladness.c
13 With my whole being I sing
endless praise to you.
O LORD, my God,
forever will I give you thanks.
- Ps 28:1; Jon 2:7.
- Ps 104:29.
- Is 61:3; Jer 31:13.
Ps 30 An individual thanksgiving in four parts: praise and thanks for deliverance and restoration (2-4); an invitation to others to join in (5-6); a flashback to the time before deliverance (7-11); a return to praise and thanks (12-13). Two sets of images recur: 1) going down, death, silence; 2) coming up, life, praising. God has delivered the psalmist from one state to the other.
30, 1 For the dedication of the temple: a later adaptation of the psalm to celebrate the purification of the temple in 164 B.C. during the Maccabean Revolt.
30, 3 Healed: for God as healer, see also Pss 103:3; 107:20; Hos 6:1; 7:1; 11:3; 14:5.
30, 4 Sheol...pit: the shadowy underworld residence of the spirits of the dead, here a metaphor for near death.
30, 7 Complacent: untroubled existence is often seen as a source of temptation to forget God. Cf. Dt 8:10-18; Hos 13:6; Prv 30:9.
30, 10 in the stillness of Sheol no one gives you praise; let me live and be among your worshipers. Cf. Pss 6:6; 88:11-13; 115:17; Is 38:18.
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