Recording of Virtual Seminar: Speaking of the Pharisees
Virtual Interreligious Dialogue held April 28
Chairs: Gabriele Boccaccini, Archie Wright
Recent scholarship recognizes both the historical role of the Pharisees within the life of early Judaism and the eventual merging of “Pharisee"' and ”Jew"' in our cultural imagination. However, this research has not yet found a place in popular discourse. Presenters explored how scholars and laity may present the Pharisees in teaching and preaching.
Speakers include
• Kelley Coblentz Bautch
• Phil A. Cunningham
• Mireille Hadas-Lebel
• Susannah Heschel
• Amy-Jill Levine
• Hermut Löhr
• Steve Mason
• Scot McKnight
• Craig Morrison
• Adele Reinhartz
• David Rosen
• Joseph Sievers
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[Image credit: Henry Ossawa Tanner, Nicodemus Visiting Jesus. 1899, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts]