New Members 2024


During the Business Meeting of the
86th International Meeting, CBA Full members 
voted to approved for membership into
The Catholic Biblical Association of America
at their respective levels with all of the rights
and privileges therein:

For Full Membership:

Paul Olatubosun Adaja
Isaac Agbenohevi
Andrea Albertin
Patrick J. Angiolillo
Tommaso Bacci
David Anthony Basham, Jr.
Abigail Bodeau
Yongli Chen
Gregory L. Cuéllar 
John Alan Dennis
Michael DeVries
Kathleen Gallagher Elkins
Lionel Y.C. Goh, O.F.M.
Andrew R. Guffey 
Marcus B. Hayes
Samuel Brice Higginbotham
Sandra M. Huebenthal
Paul Chikaodili Igwegbe
Samuel B. Johnson 
Nathan C. Johnson 
Joseph L Kimmel
Joachim J. Krause 
Mark A. Lackowski
John Robert Levison

Andrea Limoli  
Yip-Mei Loh 
Zachary Margulies 
Anna E. Marsh
Cyril TomᚠMatějec, O.Praem.
Michael Kodzo Mensah
Joseph Mukuna, S.C.J.
Pius Charles Murray, S.C.R.
Jomin Joseph Nirappel 
David S. Norris
Guy Pascal Ntomb 
Isaac W. Oliver
John Panicker
Marcus B. Peter
John J. Peters
Francisco José Pires Nunes Martins, S.J.
Ilona Rashkow
Kenneth A. Ristau
Alexander E. Rivera
Nicholas J. Schaser
Barbara Schmitz 
Ethan Schwartz
Rachel Toombs
Ana T. Valdez

For Associate Membership:

Ryan Bowley  
Daniel Czajak  
Amanda M. Detry, F.S.P.
Jonathan C. Gerstmyer

Vazhayil Jose Jomet
Modestus Osi Mgbaramuko
Jonathan Sanchez
Cynthia M. Smith

For Graduate Student Membership: 

Terngu Oliver Agbile
James Tyler Brown
Xenia L. Chan
Donald C. Coker
Cristiana Conti
Noah T. Dellinger
Rogério Alves Gomes
Matthew S. Green
Jacob H. Gruber
Allison Hurst
Gregory A. Johnson
Konrad Kosiek
Judy F. Kostelni
Jeffrey A. Leach
Pamela A. Mathy

Christopher C. Moriconi
Ciara J. Mulcahy
Pierre Célestin Musoni, S.J.
Joseph R. Muti
Francisco Nahoe, O.F.M. Conv.
Michelle E. Navarrete
Imhotep Newsome
Hoang Thi Thu Hoa Nguyen
Anthony Price, O.P.
Emilia Ann Puma
Kevin A. Rueda 
Elizabeth R. Schick
Andrew Stucki
Jiwoon Yoon

New members, indeed all members, are encouraged to update their member profiles, including uploading a photo. 
