In Memoriam: John T. Willis


CBA mourns with Timothy Willis upon the passing of his father,  John T. Willis (August 8, 1942–August 21, 2023), Abilene Christian University's Burton Coffman Chair for Biblical Studies and professor emeritus of Bible, Missions and Ministry. An active member since 1991, John served as associate editor for OTA, and with his wife, Evelyn (1935-2022), he frequently attended the CBA annual general meetings.

After achieving his master’s in Old Testament from Abilene Christian University in 1956, John moved to Nashville and taught at David Lipsomb College (Lipsomb University) from 1956-1971. Meanwhile, he completed his Ph.D. and dissertation on the Old Testament book of Micah at Vanderbilt University in 1966. 

Willis contributed the Genesis, Isaiah, and I and II Samuel volumes to The Living Word Commentary as well as the first volume, The World and Literature of the Old Testament. Other books authored by Willis include Lord, Teach Us to Pray: A Study of Prayer in the Bible (2023), Images of Water in Isaiah (2017); Yahweh and Moses in Conflict: The Role of Exodus 4:24-26 in the Book of Exodus (2010); Message of the Old Testament (1989); The World and Literature of the Old Testament (1984); and The Old Testament Literature: Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (1982). 

[Source: ACU Remembers: Dr. John Willis]

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.

May the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

  CBA Necrology