CBQ 85:3 July 2023
Table of Contents
Before the Decalogue: In Search of the Oldest Written Torah
Karel van der Toorn-
Psalm 1: Sonant Particles and Parallelism, with Speculation on the Poem’s Scribal Production
Mark S. Smith -
Responses in Isaiah 40:1–11 to Jeremiah’s “Set Time” Prophecy and Ezekiel’s Temple Vision
Shawn Zelig Aster -
The Beginnings and Ends of Sacrifice: A Shared Reimagining of the Cultic Past in the Genesis Apocryphon and the Aramaic Levi Document
Daniel Machiela and Robert Jones -
Mark as Ritual Narrative: Anointing, Memorial, and Genre Signifiers
in Mark 14:3–9
Paul D. Wheatley -
Knowledge and Truth: Romans 2:20 and the Use of the Mosaic Law in Paul
James B. Prothro -
The Flouting of Powers, the Making of Peace, and the Conquering of Death by
the Roman Hercules and the Colossian Christ
Joseph R. Dodson -
James 2:18–26: Diatribe or Dishonor
Michael L. Sweeney -
Book Reviews and Collected Essays
Mahri S. Leonard-Fleckman and Bryan R. Dyer -
Books Received
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