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CBQ Monograph Series Announcing Two New Volumes (Published November 2019) Volume 56: Hearing Revelation 1-3: Listening with Greek Rhetoric and...

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Invoices for 2019 membership dues have been sent via email from Catholic Biblical Association on October 21. Second notices will be sent in...

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CBA members now have an auto-pay option for dues renewals. Auto-pay is the optional, member-elected process that allows your stored credit card...

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Dear CBA Members, I wish to address a word of appreciation to you for our meeting at Walsh University. Having the opportunity to attend your...

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Report of the Eighty-second International Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America Program Abstracts The eighty-second...

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During CBA Business Meeting at Walsh University on Monday, July 29, the FULL MEMBERS voted on the following motion: The Full Members of the CBA...

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Many active members of the CBA first became involved as a result of a personal invitation. Please consider sharing with a colleague or student...

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CBA is pleased to announce the 2019 Emerging Scholars Fellows: Ki-Eun Jang (New York University) Christian Gers-Uphaus (University of...

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The Catholic Biblical Association of America, in conjunction with Paulist Press, has initiated a series entitled, “Biblical Studies from the...

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After more than twenty-five years of service to The Catholic Biblical Association, Violet Halton will be retiring on December 14. Violet's...

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זכר צדיק לברכה Remembering those who perished during Shabbat services at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh on October 27. May the...

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CBQ OTA NTA CBQMS Contact Information JHUP HFS Books Advertising CBA no longer is managing subscriptions. CBA members continue to...

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