2024-CUA Hybrid
Report of the Eighty-Sixth International Meeting of
The Catholic Biblical Association of America
The eighty-sixth international meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America was held as a hybrid meeting, August 3-6 at The Catholic University of America (CUA) and via Zoom. The meeting began on Saturday, August 3rd , with a panel discussion entitled “The Bible and the Qur'an: Pedagogical Perspectives and Scholarly Soundings” moderated by Najeeb T. Haddad. The panelists included Maria Barga, John Kaltner, Younus Mirza, and David Penchansky. The panel discussion was followed by a social.
Sessions on Sunday, August 4th
Three Task Forces and seven Continuing Seminars met simultaneously each day from 8:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. The Task Forces included: “The New Feminist Biblical Criticism” (established in 1989 and renamed in 2023; co-conveners: Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., Sarah E. Kohles, O.S.F., Eloise M. Rosenblatt, R.S.M.; panelists: Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., Bradley Gregory, Susanne Scholz, Mark S. Smith, Megan Vines; guest presenters: Rev. Toni Tortorilla and Father Anne); “Addressing Representations of Jews and Judaism in Catholic Exegesis, Homiletics, and Catechesis” (established in 2019; co-conveners: Christopher Seeman and Linda S. Harrington; this year’s focus was the 2024 lectionary readings that are especially vulnerable to misrepresentations of Jews and Judaism); and “Baptism in Paul’s Letters” (established in 2024; with co-conveners: Michael P. Barber, Timothy M. Milinovich, Paul D. Wheatley, and presentation by Isaac Morales, O.P.).
The Continuing Seminars and their respective leaders / presenters studied: “Divinity in Ancient Israel: Deuteronomistic Deities in Judges and Samuel” (established 1998; co-conveners: Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, Andrew Davis, and Garrett Galvin, O.F.M.; presenters: Andrea Saner, Reed Carlson, Heath Dewrell; respondents: Jaime L. Waters, Corrine Carvalho, Thomas Bolin); “Hebrew Poetry” (established 1999; Convener: Joseph E. Jensen; presenters: John R. Jackson, Joseph E. Jensen, Sophia A. Magallanes-Tsang, Richard J. Schneck, S.J., Donald R. Vance); “The Deuterocanonical Books” (established 2010, focus in 2024: The Deuterocanonical Literature in Antiquity and Beyond; co-conveners: Francis Macatangay and Kelley Coblentz Bautch; presentations by Jeremy Corley, Nuria Calduch-Benages, Karina Hogan, Michael Duggan, Jordan Schmidt, O.P., and Gary Klump); “The Gospel and Letters of John: Mary Coloe’s John in the Wisdom Commentary Series” (established 2019; co-conveners Mary Kate Birge, S.S.J. and Peter Judge; presenters: Alessandro Cavicchia, O.F.M., Rodolfo Felices Luna, Gilberto A. Ruiz, Sherri Brown); “Letters of Paul” (established 2021, renamed 2023; convener: Timothy Milinovich; presenter: Brian Lee);“Isaiah and the Twelve: Theophanies” (established 2022, co-conveners: Joachim Eck and Richard J. Bautch; presenters: Abigail Bodeau, Hyun Chul Paul Kim, Andreas Schüle, Kevin Scott, Todd Hibbard, and Kirsten Schäfers); “Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins” (established 2024; co-conveners: Archie T. Wright, Ronald Herms, Angela Kim Harkins; presenters: Ariel Feldman, Carmen Palmer, and Frank Shaw); and “Biblical Intertextuality: Its Methodology, History, and Implementation” (established 2024; co-conveners: Gabriel F. Hornung, Eric X. Jarrard; presenters: Eric X. Jarrard, Joachim Krause, Allison Hurst, and Nicholas Schaser; respondent: Gabriel F. Hornung).
The morning concluded with papers presented in simultaneous sessions: Denise Dombkowski Hopkins, “Masking Trauma? Judith’s Hymn of Praise (Chapter 16:1-17)” and Christopher W. Skinner, “Jesus, the Messiah and Son of God: A Kaleidoscopic Approach to Mark's Christology.”
Four sessions of research reports during the afternoon heard the following papers delivered: Michael B. Cover, “Texts of Turning: Representing Conversion in Early Judaism and the New Testament”; Klaus Peter Adam, “Deuteronomy’s Relevance for Territorialism and Legal Pluralism in Light of the ‘Defund the Police' Movement’”; James B. Prothro, “Revisiting Mercy and Judgment in Jude”; Antony Dhas Prakasam, “Spatial Metaphors, Metonymies and the Pride of Babylon in Isaiah”; Kelley Coblentz Bautch, “Dynastic Disputes and the Relationship of 1 and 2 Maccabees”; Melanie Peetz, “Exploring Emotions in Ancient Near Eastern Iconography”; Carmen Palmer, “Jacob and Esau Reinterpreted via a Physiognomic Lens”; Martin C. Albl, “Jesus, Scrolls, Synagogues: Historicity of Luke 4:16–20”; Jonathan Sanchez, “The Rebuked and the Damned: Rebuke, Eschatology, and Expulsion in Matthew and the Dead Sea Scrolls”; Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, “Samson and the Aesthetics of Biblical Biography”; Jean Romeo Ntsama, “A Study of the terûʿâ and the teqîʿâ in the OT”; Karina Martin Hogan, “Feminist Readings of Ruth in Costa Rica”; Todd R. Hanneken, and David T. Gura, “Priestly Eschatology in Testament of Moses and Malachi”; Séamus O’Connell, “Divine Drum Roll—the Theological Significance of Euthys in Mark”; Mark Reasoner, “Romans—Cosmic Redemption, Not Individuals’ Destinies"; Anathea Portier-Young, “Emotion and Time in Daniel”; Craig E. Morrison, O. Carm., “Saul’s Mission (עצר in 1 Sam 9:17) according to the Versions”; Frank Shaw, “The Pronunciation of the Divine Name in Hellenistic Judaism: The Current State of the Question”; Hugo Mendez, “‘I Have Much to Write’ (2 John 12): Expanding the Catalogue of 'Johannine Literature'”; Mark Kiley, “Allusions Direct and Not So Much in Mark”; Sister Mary Micaela Hoffmann, “An Anthropological Review of Love in Deuteronomy”; Mark S. Smith, “‘Few and Evil’: Jacob’s Commentary on His Life in Genesis 47:7-10”; Harry Hagan, O.S.B., “Are Ezekiel 1 and 37 ‘Free Verse’?”.
The Association gathered in St. Vincent de Paul Chapel for the Sunday celebration of Eucharist with Rev. Garrett M. Galvin, O.F.M. presiding. The liturgy was followed by an outdoor barbeque.
The evening general session began with the recognition of CBA’s Executive Secretary from 1970-2012, Joseph Jensen, O.S.B., who was present at the meeting and warmly welcomed. Then before introducing the evening’s address, Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., the CBA Vice-President lead a remembrance of members who have died since the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM): Michael L. Barré, P.S.S. , Todd D. Brown, Gay L. Byron, Gerard J. Diamond, Susan (Elli) Elliott, M. Dennis Hamm, S.J., Katherine M. Hayes, Robert A. Kraft, Alice L. Laffey, Ibitolu Olu Jerome Megbelayin, Robert D. Miller II, Mary Ann Stachow, S.B.S., John T. Willis, and Elaine M. Wainwright, R.S.M. The CBA Presidential Address, “The Acts of Thecla in the Emergent Discourse of the Early Christian Movement” was delivered by Sheila E. McGinn. The address was followed by a social.
Sessions on Monday, August 5th
Rev. Frank J. Matera was the presider and homilist for the 7:00 A.M. celebration of Eucharist.
The Task Forces and Continuing Seminars resumed their work in the morning, followed by simultaneous sessions: “The Judean Invention of Diaspora in the Hellenistic Era” delivered by Malka Z. Simkovich and “Luke’s Sea Voyage and Shipwreck in Acts 27: Fact or Fiction?” presented by vănThanh Nguyễn, S.V.D.
Two sessions of research reports during the afternoon heard the following papers delivered: Paul L. Danove, “Mark’s Characterization of Jesus as High Priest”; Brigid Curtin Frein, “Jesus’ Teachings about God in the Luke 4:14-9:50”; Elizabeth R. Schick, “Revelation through Words and Tears: The Roles of Martha and Mary in John 11:17-44”; Domenico Lo Sardo, “Oil for Lamp in Exod 27:20–21 (Lev 24:2–3): Textual and Literary Criticism”; Matthew Arakaky, “Love versus Death: Dynamics of Symmetry in Anatu's Contest with Môtu in KTU 1.6 II”; David A. Bosworth, “The Bible and Catholics in Abolitionist Discourse”; Marcin Kowalski, “The Spirit in Romans 8: Paul, the Stoics, and Jewish Authors in Dialog”; Michael Francis, “Israel as Progressor in Romans 9:30-10:4”;Tomasso Bacci, “Celestial Bodies, Foreign Gods, or Delegates? A Reassessment of the Role of the Luminaries in Gen 1:14–19”; Hryhoriy Lozinskyy, “Festival Legislation in the Pentateuch and Beyond: Status Quaestionis”; Blažej Štrba, “Ten Ascents of Moses on Sinai?”.
Business Meeting
The CBA President and Chair of the Business Meeting, Sheila E. McGinn called the meeting to order at 3:55 p.m.
First on the agenda was the Executive Director’s report, given by Archie T. Wright who expressed gratitude to the members of the Committee on Program Support (Sherri Brown, Chair; Maria Barga; Mark Enemali, C.S.Sp.; Najeeb T. Haddad; Charles Hughes-Huff; Jaime L. Waters; and Terry Lafferty) and CBA Tech Support (Joshua R. Scott, Megan Wines, David Burnett, Courtney Godwin, and Katelyn Wells) for their work in bringing the 2024 Annual General Meeting to fruition. He also recognized the 2024 CBA’s Verbum Emerging Scholars Fellows (Matthew Arakaky, Tommaso Bacci, Jonathan Sanchez, and Elizabeth R. Schick) and thanked Verbum for its financial support for this fellowship.
Wright reported that the Executive Board has approved a change in Joshua R. Scott’s status from a temporary hourly worker to half-time employee as CBA’s Events Coordinator. The Executive Director then mentioned some of the upcoming programs:
- Unbound Book Reviews featuring three CBA members’ books in autumn 2024 (The Prophetic Body: Embodiment and Mediation in Biblical Prophetic Literature by Anathea Portier-Young; Liturgical Hermeneutics of Sacred Scripture by Marco Benini, and Daniel After Babylon: The Additions in the History of Interpretation by Jennie Grillo) with others are in the queue for 2025 and forward. Wright shared that these virtual events are opportunities provided by CBA to support the research of its members.
- The Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting is scheduled March 15-16, 2025, at the Princeton Theological Seminary’s Eerdmans Center with Dale Allison providing the keynote. Another virtual Emerging Scholarship Conference is being planned for later in the year.
- Wright indicated that securing a location for CBA Annual General Meetings (AGM) is becoming a challenge in that many universities are not scheduling outside events earlier than one year out. He said that he is hoping to reach an agreement soon for next year’s AGM with Loyola University Chicago (or Regis University as a backup), adding that costs are rising significantly – rates for food and housing are as much as 25% higher than the rates at CUA.
Wright reported that CBA membership has been growing slightly (totals: 2022 – 1047; 2023 – 1,055; 2024 – 1,070). He noted that 82 applications were accepted this year (70 new members and 12 upgrades) and stressed the importance of new member recruitment to grow the association. Noting that a number of CBA members will be retiring soon, he urged members to invite graduate students and colleagues to join the association. He stated that the CBA office is producing a brochure outlining membership benefits which may be helpful in recruitment. He noted that CBA grants program is being expanded to include a CBA Member Sabbatical Fellowship, ABD Doctoral Student Stipends, Archaeological Fellowships, and an increase in Travel Grants intended for both early career and mid/late career scholars. With these new funding initiatives and those already established, he proposed, CBA is an association which uniquely supports the work of its members.
The Executive Director concluded his report by thanking the CBA members, staff, and Executive Board, particularly Harold W. Attridge, Jr. who is completing his second term as Chair of the Executive Board. Wright expressed appreciation for Attridge’s wisdom and guidance. The members likewise acknowledged Attridge in a round of applause. Though the floor was open for questions, none were forthcoming. The report of the CBA Executive Director was accepted by the Full Members present in a show of hands and virtually via a Zoom poll.
As Chair of the Committee on Finance and Investments (CFI), McGinn presented the report on the association’s financial status. She began by requesting that the members guard the information on the financial reports that have been posted on the CBA website as it is highly confidential and for members only. She recognized the other members of the committee: Harold W. Attridge, Jr., Craig E. Morrison, Ferdinand Okorie, C.M.F., Michael Patella, O.S.B., Eloise M. Rosenblatt, R.S.M., and Archie T. Wright, serving ex officio. She noted that two members (Attridge and Patella) are rotating off the committee because of term limitations and thanked them for their service.
McGinn reported that the CBA Executive Director and she as CFI Chair communicate regularly with UBS Investment Manager, Ron Chesney, at least monthly. She specified that CBA always operates under a balanced budget, adding that CBA’s policies to maintain a carefully balanced portfolio continue to work well as the economy rebounds. She pointed out that the CBA Investment Policy is available on website under “About – Governance.” Currently the CBA asset allocation is 73% equities, 23% fixed income, and 4% cash, she stated. With the aid of PowerPoint slide illustrations, she indicated that the CBA endowment fund balance has exceeded the all-time high (in the 2021 fiscal year) by over $1,000,000 – the portfolio balance at the end of the 2023-24 fiscal saw a 13% gain. McGinn stated the CFI has reviewed honoraria and the structure of Old Testament Abstracts (OTA) and staffing.
McGinn opened the floor for questions and / or discussion. There being none, she called for a motion to accept the report, noting that since the report was submitted by a committee, no second was required. Gregory Tatum, O.P. moved that the members assembled accept the CBA Financial Reports. The motion passed unanimously with no abstentions.
The President and Chair of the Business Meeting then recognized Wright to present the report of the Committee on Membership. The Full Members voted to approve the following individuals for membership in their respective levels into the Catholic Biblical Association of America.
- For Full Membership:
Paul Olatubosun Adaja, Isaac Agbenohevi, Andrea Albertin, Patrick J. Angiolillo, Tommaso Bacci, David Anthony Basham, Jr., Abigail Bodeau, Yongli Chen, Gregory L. Cuéllar, John Alan Dennis, Michael DeVries, Kathleen Gallagher Elkins, Lionel Y.C. Goh, O.F.M., Andrew R. Guffey, Marcus B. Hayes, Samuel Brice Higginbotham, Sandra M. Huebenthal, Paul Chikaodili Igwegbe, Samuel B. Johnson, Nathan C. Johnson, Joseph L Kimmel, Joachim J. Krause, Mark A. Lackowski, John Robert Levison, Andrea Limoli, Yip-Mei Loh, Zachary Margulies, Anna E. Marsh, Cyril Tomáš Matějec, O. Praem., Michael Kodzo Mensah, Joseph Mukuna, S.C.J., Pius Charles Murray, S.C.R., Jomin Joseph Nirappel, David S. Norris, Guy Pascal Ntomb, Isaac W. Oliver, John Panicker, Marcus B. Peter, John J. Peters, Francisco José Pires Nunes Martins, S.J., Ilona Rashkow, Kenneth A. Ristau, Alexander E. Rivera, Nicholas J. Schaser, Barbara Schmitz, Ethan Schwartz, Rachel Toombs, and Ana T. Valdez.
- For Associate Membership:
Ryan Bowley, Daniel Czajak, Amanda M. Detry, F.S.P., Jonathan C. Gerstmyer, Vazhayil Jose Jomet, Modestus Osi Mgbaramuko, Jonathan Sanchez, and Cynthia M. Smith.
- For Graduate Student Membership:
Terngu Oliver Agbile, James Tyler Brown, Xenia L. Chan, Donald C. Coker, Cristiana Conti, Noah T. Dellinger, Rogério Alves Gomes, Matthew S. Green, Jacob H. Gruber, Allison Hurst, Gregory A. Johnson, Konrad Kosiek, Judy F. Kostelni, Jeffrey A. Leach, Pamela A. Mathy, Christopher C. Moriconi, Ciara J. Mulcahy, Pierre Célestin Musoni, S.J., Joseph R. Muti, Francisco Nahoe, O.F.M. Conv., Michelle E. Navarrete, Imhotep Newsome, Hoang Thi Thu Hoa Nguyen, Anthony Price, O.P., Emilia Ann Puma, Kevin A. Rueda, Elizabeth R. Schick, Andrew Stucki, and Jiwoon Yoon.
In addition, the Full Members unanimously approved the Executive Board proposal that Honorary Life Membership be conferred upon Christopher T. Begg and Frank J. Matera for their noteworthy contributions to biblical studies and to the CBA.
In the absence of Maria Pacuzzi, Chair of the Committee on Nominations, Wright was recognized to present the nominations for the Executive Board and Standing Committees. The following officers were approved by the CBA Full Membership with no objections or abstentions: Gregory E. Sterling for Chair of the Executive Board (2024-27 term), Carol J. Dempsey, O.P. for President (2024-25 term), Richard J. Bautch for Vice-President (2024-25 term), Jeremy Corley and Sherri Brown (2024-26 term) for Consultor to the Executive Board. The following were approved for committee membership: on Nominations (2024-27 term) — Mahri Leonard-Fleckman and Angela Kim Harkins; on Finance and Investment (2024-27 term) Sheila E. McGinn (second term), Garrett M. Galvin, O.F.M., and J. Todd Hibbard (2024-27); on Program for the Annual General Meeting — Jaime L. Waters (2024-27, second term); on Research Support (2024-27 term) — Kristine S. Garroway and Thomas M. Bolin; on Technology and Outreach — Felix Just, S.J. (3-year term, 2024-27), Joshua R. Scott (3-year term, 2024-27), Francis C. Cousins (2-year term, 2024-26), David A. Schones (2-year term, 2024-26), and Dulcinea L. Boesenberg (1-year term, 2024-25)
Corrine L. Carvalho, the General Editor of The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, was recognized to present her report. She began by expressing appreciation for the Editorial Board, adding that authors often mention how much they value the reviewer comments. She also thanked Kevin McCruden, the Editorial Board Secretary, and Maurya Hogan, Copy Editor. She acknowledged the Associate Editors whose terms are concluding: Richard J. Bautch, Sherri Brown, Thomas Hieke, and Karina M. Hogan. Likewise, she reported that the terms of the Book Review Editors are coming to an end, but that Byan Dyer will continue another term with New Testament and Intertestamental reviews while Daniel Pioske will take over Old Testament and Qumran from Mahri Leonard-Fleckman. With a PowerPoint slide projecting statistics, she indicated that there is a good supply of articles awaiting publication, but the number of submissions from women has gone down. She noted that the queue for Synoptics continues to be long, but with the new Associated Editor candidates comes an addition to the Synoptics reviewers.
When the floor was open for discussion, Carvalho was asked to address the issue of peer review taking too much time. She responded that parameters have not changed, and reviewers are reminded to be timely, though there are certain times of the year that prove to be difficult for faculty members. She noted that the Synoptics editors are continually reviewing. She stated that the Editorial Board is uncomfortable with engaging outside reviewers, though the use of former Associate Editors is a possibility. She said that she informs contributors of the process so that if they are under time constraint, they can go somewhere else for publication. James B. Prothro followed up with a question as to whether an online scheduling platform is used to send out reminders. Carvalho replied that she inherited index cards and has moved to a spreadsheet but will look into a scheduling platform as suggested.
Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S. moved, and Terry Lafferty seconded, that the report of the CBQ General Editor be accepted. The motion passed without dissent. Likewise, the Full Members approved of the following Associate Editors for the 2025-28 term: Laurie A. Brink, O.P., Allison L. Gray, Davis Hankins (second term), Laura Carlson Hasler, Francisco Lozada (second term), Nathan R. Mastnjak, Timothy M. Milinovich (second term), Melanie Peetz (second term), and J. Todd Hibbard (second term).
Richard J. Bautch presented his report as General Editor of CBQMS and CBQMI, beginning with a celebration of the newest publication, CBQI-5, Missed Treasures of the Holy Spirit: Distinctive New Testament Pneumatologies, edited by Jeremy Corley
and Jessie Rogers. Bautch noted that, in keeping with the book’s topic, the book was launched on May 16th at St.Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth just before Pentecost. He reported that there are several other CBQI book projects in various stages of development. He also indicated that two volumes of CBQMS will be forthcoming: In Search of the Ideal Supplicant: The Portrait of David in Psalms 138-145 by Erick Gichomo Mwangi and Kirsten Schäfers’ work on Numbers 25.
Bautch recalled that at the previous AGM, the new partnership with Wipf and Stock (W&S) was announced. He reported that in the past year W&S has made CBA books available as e-books or in printed form; included CBA books at scholarly conferences and exhibits; has the complete catalogue of CBQMS titles (going back 50 years) and all the CBQI titles in the W&S online catalogue. He pointed out that CBA is benefiting from the new partnership, stating that in 2023 a total of 319 CBA titles were sold, bringing CBA a profit of $2,307.53 (compared to 13 books sold in 2022 with CUA Press for a total of $409.98.
The General Editor of CBQMS and CBQI concluded with an expression of gratitude to the members of the Editorial Board, in particular Dominik Markl and Margaret Mitchell who are rotating off this year.
With no comments or questions forthcoming, McGinn called for a motion to accept the report. Ahida Calderón Pilarski moved, and Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S. seconded, that the report of the General Editor of CBQMS and CBQI. The motion passed unanimously.
The following Associate Editors of CBQMS and CBQI (Term 2025-28) were approved by the CBA Full Members: Bill T. Arnold (second term), Kristine Henriksen Garroway, Najeeb T. Haddad, and J. Todd Hibbard (second term).
As interim General Editor of Old Testament Abstracts, Joseph E. Jensen was called upon to give an update on the status of the journal. He reported that OTA 47.1 (February 2024) and 47.2 (June 2024) have both appeared, containing a total of 1,399 article abstracts and 169 book abstracts. He said that OTA 47.3 (October 2024) is at the typesetters and a substantial part of the material for the for the 48.1 (February 2025) issue are in hand. Additionally, he said material for the 48.2 (June 2025) issue is being prepared. He assured the members that everything is being done so that the journal is in the mail the month of each issue.
As General Editor of the Biblical Studies from CBA, McGinn shared an update on the series published by Paulist Press. She began with a reminder that the clearly written and lightly footnoted volumes are ideal for students and the wider church audience, and that part of each volume’s royalties accrues to CBA and part to the volume’s author. Ten titles have been published, she reported, with two more to be published in 2024 or early 2025: Kevin McCruden’s The Priestly Christology of Jesus and His Humanity in the Letter to the Hebrews and Bonnie Thurston’s John the Baptizer. She noted four additional titles are in process for 2025-26 and there are four additional works under consideration. She encouraged members to make proposals to the Editorial Board (Richard J. Bautch, Angela Kim Harkins, Peter Spitaler, Archie T. Wright, and herself), indicating that the series is a service to the Church and a good way for members to get their research disseminated.
In the absence of Jean-Pierre Ruiz, the Chair of the Committee on Research Support, the Executive Director was called upon to make the report on the Committee’s work. Wright reported that 18 applications were received from CBA Full members for the Grants from the CBA, and that the committee voted to recommend funding for 15 of these for a total of $118,182. He noted that the recipients were announced in June and are on the CBA website: “Grants – CBA Grants.” The report continued, stating that in the Travel Grants $2,500 was allocated; four applications were received, one of which was deemed ineligible; three grants were awarded, but because one member was unable to obtain a visa, two members received $1,250 each to help finance their attendance at the AGM. The Committee, the report noted, reviewed the applications for the 2024-2025 Visiting Professorship at the Pontifical Biblical Institute and by consensus recommended Gina Hens-Piazza, Sherri Brown, F. Scott Spencer. Also, the report said, the Committee reviewed the applications for the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem (EBAF) Visiting Professorship and unanimously recommended that Boris Repschinski, S.J. be proposed to the EBAF for this position. The report concluded by stating that the Committee developed criteria for the following additional grant opportunities approved by the Executive Board for 2024-2025: CBA Member Sabbatical Fellowship (one at $40,000); Postdoctoral Stipend of (two, each at $10,000 to be awarded to a member who has obtained a postdoctoral fellowship at an approved institution); ABD Doctoral Candidate Memorial Stipend (five, each at $5,000 at an approved institution, renewable for 3 years); Archaeological Fellowship (two, each at $5,000); AGM Travel Grants (increased for a total of $11,000, intended for both early career and mid/late career scholars).Wright noted that the Committee has tabled the criteria for the Postdoctoral Stipend opportunity until it can arrive at a consensus.
The floor was open for discussion. Gregory Tatum, O.P. asked about the feasibility of the EBAF Visiting Professorship given the current conflict, pointing out that no airlines are flying into Jerusalem or Jordan. Wright shared that he had been in a long discussion between the first recipient, David deSilva, and the EBAF, but ultimately deSilva decided to go. Wright indicated that deSilva’s post-experience report was that it was far from ideal. Wright went on to say that if conditions have not improved significantly in the Spring, he would recommend that Repschinski post-pone the Visiting Professorship. Harry P. Nasuti, a member of the Committee on Research Support, expressed appreciation for two members rotating off the Committee: Jean-Pierre Ruiz and Amy-Jill Levine.
With no further questions or discussion forthcoming, McGinn called for a motion to accept the report, noting that since this was a committee report no second was required. Mark S. Smith so moved and the motion passed.
New Business
McGinn informed the membership that as CBA President she has appointed 14 Full Members to an ad hoc Committee on Strategic Planning. She said that after the call for volunteers went out in May, she made the appointments with an attempt to reach widely across the membership in terms of age range, locations (and across the pond and into southern hemisphere). The Committee membership consists of two ex officio members, Archie T. Wright, Joshua R. Scott, and twelve voting members, Mary Kate Birge, S.S.J., Andrew R. Davis, Mark Goodwin, Ronald Herms, Sarah Kohles, O.S.F., Séamus O’Connell, Ferdinand Okorie, C.M.F., Maria Pascuzzi, C.S.J., Anathea Portier-Young, Richard Schneck, Gregory E. Sterling, Bonnie B. Thurston. McGinn thanked the volunteers and then handed the floor to Portier-Young, voted as the Committee Chair, who indicated that strategic planning is a process of shared discernment in which the Committee will be finding ways of reaching out to the membership through means such as surveys, focus groups, discussions with existing CBA Committees. She urged members to respond when they receive the link for a survey, adding that it is their opportunity to shape the future of the association.
In April, CBA members received an announcement regarding proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws to include the Biblical Studies from the CBA, which currently exists extra-constitutionally. McGinn noted that the proposal comes from the Executive Board. Wright then read the motion.
MOTION That the Constitution and By-Laws be amended to include the General Editor and Editorial Board of the Biblical Studies from the CBA (BSCBA) in the following manner:
- the addition of “the General Editor of the Biblical Studies from the CBA (BSCBA)” to Article IV Section 2 to read
“Between annual general meetings the Association shall be governed by an Executive Board consisting of the Chair, the President, the immediate Past President, the Vice-President, the Executive Director (ex officio, non-voting), the General Editor of The Catholic Biblical Quarterly (CBQ), the General Editor of Old Testament Abstracts (OTA), the General Editor of the Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series (CBQMS) and Catholic Biblical Quarterly Imprints (CBQI), the General Editor of the Biblical Studies of CBA (BSCBA), the Chair of the Committee on Finance and Investment, and four Consultors who serve as non-officer members.
- the addition of the following to Constitution Article V
Section 8: The duties of the General Editor of the Biblical Studies from the CBA shall be:
To serve as Chair of the BSCBA Editorial Board;
To accept, after due consultation with members of the Editorial Board, manuscripts for the BSCBA and to prepare them for publication.
- the current Constitution Article VI, Section 3 be renamed Section 4, so that the following may be added
Section 3. Members of the BSCBA Editorial Board shall be duly elected as specified in the By-laws and serve under the direction of the General Editor of BSCBA; their function shall be to assist the General Editor in planning and developing the series.
- the current sections By-Laws 3.5.8. and 3.5.9. be renamed so that the following be added:
3.5.8. At each annual general meeting at least two Associate Editors of the BSCBA, upon recommendation by the Editorial Board, shall be elected by the majority vote of the Full Members for a term of four years. Associate Editors may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
The floor was open for discussion but none was forthcoming, so McGinn called for a vote. The motion passed by a super majority of the Full Members present in a show of hands and virtually via a Zoom poll.
The Chair of the Committee on Resolutions, Harold W. Attridge, Jr. proposed the following resolution which the Full Membership affirmed: WHEREAS The Catholic University of America, Archie Wright, our colleagues on the Program Committee, and the technical team that enabled and tended our Zoom time have done an admirable job of organizing, and shepherding this hybrid annual general meeting, BE IT RESOLVED that The Catholic Biblical Association of America offers them its heartfelt thanks.
With no new business, the President called for a motion to adjourn. In full acclamation from the Full Members present. The meeting adjourned at 5:21 p.m.
Before dinner, a prayer service was led by Mary Kate Birge, S.S.J. with Sarah Kohles, O.S.F. providing a reflection on “Listening to Unheard Voices”.
The general session in the evening was a presentation entitled “Oy-Angelion: Why and How Christian Preaching and Teaching Still Promotes Jew-Hatred” delivered by Amy-Jill Levine. The evening concluded with a social.
Sessions on Tuesday, August 6th
Rev. Jan Jacek Stefanów, S.V.D. was the principal celebrant and homilist for the 7:00 a.m. Eucharistic liturgy.
The Task Forces and Continuing Seminars met in the first part of the morning. The meeting concluded with a general session address Shelly Matthews, “Women and the Empty Tomb: Historical and Historiographical Issues.”
The following CBA members and invited guests were in attendance at the meeting either in-person or virtually:
Acemoglu, Thomas J.O. Adam, Klaus Peter Agbenohevi, Isaac Albl, Martin Anyanwu, Jude, C.M.F. Arakaky, Matthew A. Arnold, Bill Atkinson, Joseph C. Attridge, Harold W., Jr. Bacci, Tommaso Barga, Maria Bautch, Richard J. Binz, Stephen Birge, Mary Kate, S.S.J. Bishop, Steven Bobertz, Charles Bodeau, Abigail L. Bolin, Thomas Bosworth, David A. Bowley, Ryan Boxall, Ian Brannan, Christopher S., O.P. Brien, Mary T., P.B.V.M. Brink, Laurie A., O.P. Brown, Katherine Brown, Sherri Burnett, David Burton, William, O.F.M. Byrns, Bob Calduch-Benages, Nuria Callender, Dexter E, Jr. Carlson, Reed Carvalho, Corrine Cavicchia, Alessandro, O.F.M. Chan, Xenia L. Checkai, Ronald (Leo) A., O.P. Chen, Yongli Chiba, Yudai Ciccarino, Christopher Michael Co, Maria Anicia, R.V.M. Coblentz Bautch, Kelley Cook, Edward M. Cook, Joan E., S.C. Corley, T. Jeremy Cotter, Wendy J., C.S.J. Cousins, Francis Cover, Michael B. Cronauer, Patrick T., O.S.B. Czander, Giovanna R. D'Angelo, Mary R. Danove, Paul Davis, Andrew R. De Andrado, Paba Nidhani DeBroeck, Ximena Dellinger, Noah T. Deluty, Julie B. Dempsey, Carol J., O.P. Dempsey, Deirdre A. DeVries, Michael Dewrell, Heath D. Dombkowski Hopkins, Denise Duggan, Michael Dyer, Bryan Eisenberg, Roberta Ekeh, Amy Enemali, Mark Ojonugwa, C.S.Sp. Exum, J. Cheryl Fadul, Francis Eugene Adefuin Feldman, Ariel Francis, Michael Francis, Ryan M. Frechette, Christopher Frein, Brigid Friedrichsen, Timothy A. Furst, Renata C. Gadenz, Pablo T. Galvin,, Garrett M., O.F.M. Garbarino, Andrew M. Garber, Zev Garroway, Kristine S. Gillihan, Yonder M. Giszczak, Mark B. Godwin, Courtney Goh, Lionel Y.C., O.F.M. Goodwin, Mark J. Green, Matthew S. Gregory, Bradley C. Gutkowski, Sharon Marie Haddad, Najeeb Hagan,, Harry, O.S.B. Hanneken, Todd Harkins, Angela Harrington, Linda Hayes, Marcus B. Heasley, Peter Hens-Piazza, Gina Herms, Ronald Hibbard, J. Todd Hoffmann, Mary Micaela, R.S.M. Hogan, Karina Martin Hornung, Gabriel F. Hughes-Huff, Charles Huizenga, Annette Hurst, Allison Igwegbe, Paul Chikaodili Jackson, John R. Jarrard, Eric Jensen, Joseph Jensen, Joseph, O.S.B. Jimoh, John Abimbola Johnson, Gregory A. Johnson, Noelle G. Judge, Peter Kalita, Thomas Marian Kaltner, John Kassa, Augustin, S.M.A. Kiley, Mark Kim, Hyun Chul Paul Kinney, James R. Kinney, Jim Klump, Gary Klumpenhouwer, Samuel Kohles, Sarah E., O.S.F. Kosiek, Konrad Kowalski, Marcin Krause, Joachim J. Kronemeijer, Matthijs Lafferty, Terry Lambert, Matthew C., O.S.B. Launderville., Dale, O.S.B. Lawrence, Lauress Wilkins Leach, Jeffrey A., Esq. Lee, Brian Yong Lee, Woo Min Legarreta, Felipe de Jesus Leonard-Fleckman, Mahri S. Levine, Amy-Jill Lewis, Jody Vaccaro |
Lo Sardo, Domenico, O.F.M. Cap. Lozinskyy, Hryhoriy Luna, Rodolfo F. Lux, Richard Macatangay, Francis MacDonald, Margaret Y. Magallanes-Tsang, Sophia A. Maloney, Elliott Manzo, Juana Laura Margulies, Zachary Martens, John W. Martinez, Roberto, O.F.M. Cap. Martino, John B. Mastnjak, Nathan R. Matera, Frank Mathy, Pamela Matskevich, Karalina Matson, Mark Matthews, Shelly Mazich, Edward M., O.S.B. McCreesh, Thomas, O.P. McCruden, Kevin B. McGinn, Sheila McKenzie, Steven L. McMahon, Paul Meldrum, Brian Mendez, Hugo E. Mgbaramuko, Modestus Osi Milinovich, Timothy M. Mirza, Younus Y. Monaco, David G., C.P. Monnig, Matthew, S.J. Morales, Isaac Augustine, O.P. Moriarty, Robert K., S.M. Moriconi, Christopher C. Morrison, Craig E., O. Carm. Morton, Russell Muller, Earl Murphy, Barbara A. Musoni, Pierre Célestin, S.J. Nahoe, Francisco, O.F.M. Conv. Nasuti, Harry P. Naveros Cordova, Nelida, C.D.P. Nelson, Richard Newman, Judith H. Nguyễn, vănThanh, S.V.D. Nguyen, Vien, S.C.J. Ntsama, Jean Roméo O'Connell, Séamus O'Grady, John J. Okorie, Ferdinand, C.M.F. Okoye, James Chukwuma, C.S.Sp. Osiek, Carolyn, R.S.C.J. Oxsen, Kate M. Padilla, José-David, O.P. Palmer, Carmen J.H. Pascuzzi, Maria, C.S.J. Patella, Michael F., O.S.B. Peetz, Melanie Marita Penchansky, David Pérez Esteban, Elías Petrany, Catherine Petruncio, Claudia Petruncio, Claudia Pierce, Mark Pilarski, Ahida Calderón Pioske, Daniel D. Pitre, Brant Portalatín, Antonio Portier-Young, Anathea E. Prakasam, Anthony Prothro, James Puma, Emilia Ann Putnam, TL Reasoner, Mark Reid, Barbara, O.P. Roach, Brian Rodriguez, Rafael Rosenblatt, Eloise M., R.S.M. Rosolen, Higinio Ruiz, Gilberto A. Ruiz, Jean-Pierre Sanchez, Jonathan M. Sandoval, Timothy J. Saner, Andrea D. Schäfers, Kirsten M. Schaser, Nicholas J. Schick, Elizabeth R. Schmidt, A. Jordan, O.P. Schneck, Richard J., S.J. Scholz, Susanne Schuele, Andreas Schuller, Eileen, O.S.U. Scott, Joshua R. Scott, Kevin M. Scritchfield, Brandy N. Seeman, Christopher Shaw, Frank E. Simkovich, Malka Zeiger Skemp, Vincent Skinner, Christopher Smith, David Smith, Mark Spatafora, Andrea, M.S.F. Sperry, Mary Elizabeth Stefanów, Jan Jacek, S.V.D. Sterling, Gregory E. Štrba, Blažej Stucki, Andrew Suriano, Matthew J. Tarker, Lisa A. Tatum, Gregory, O.P. Tetlow, Elisabeth M. Thomson, Michael Thurston, Bonnie B. Tortorilla, Toni Tosatto, Lucia G. Tropeano, Father Anne Udoekpo, Michael Umoren, Gerald Emem Vance, Donald R. Vela, Horacio Wagner, Eric, C.R. Walters, Patricia Waters, Jaime L. Watson, Zachary E. Wells, Katelyn Wheatley, Paul D. Williamson, Peter S. Willis, Timothy Wines, Megan Witherup, Ronald, P.S.S. Wright, Archie T. Wróbel, Mirosław S. Wyckoff, Eric, S.D.B. Yoon, Jiwoon Zanchettin, Leo Zautcke, Angela E. Zdunich, Margaret |
Archie T. Wright
CBA Executive Director
Lisa A. Tarker
Recording Secretary