2021 AGM - Virtual

Past Meetings/Events,

Report of the Eighty-third International Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America


The eighty-third international meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America was held entirely virtually from July 31 – August 3, 2021. The meeting schedule was arranged to accommodate a diverse range of time-zones.

Sessions on Saturday, July 31st

The meeting began on Saturday, July 31st, with a welcome from CBA President Gina Henz-Piazza who acknowledged the peculiarity of postponing the previous year’s meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which also caused the 2021 meeting to be held online. She noted that early in the year the Executive Director, Joseph C. Atkinson resigned as a result of health concerns. She expressed gratitude for Atkinson’s service to the Association and wished him well. The President then announced that at its July 30th meeting, the Executive Board unanimously approved the permanent hire of Archie T. Wright who had been serving as Interim Executive Director. Wright then spoke a word of thanks to the Executive Board and others who have helped him in the past four months. He said that he is looking forward to helping CBA grow into the future.

Felix Just, S.J. presided over the opening Liturgy of the Word in which Mahri Leonard-Fleckman offered a reflection on the readings. During the liturgy, those members that died since CBA last met in 2019 were remembered: Rev. Robert J. Bauer, S.D.B., Rev. Anthony F. Campbell, S.J., Sr. Shawn Carruth, O.S.B., Rev. Michael A. Fahey, S.J., Rabbi Asher Finkel, Dr. Christian E. Hauer, Jr., Dr. Robert Jewett, Sr. Ann Johnston, R.S.C.J., Rev. Robert Daniel Kendall, S.J., Rev. Dr. Martin Kessler, Rev. Philip J. King, Br. Mark McVann, F.S.C., Rev. John Allen Melloh, S.M., Rev. Dr. J. Ramsey Michaels, Rev. Dr. Patrick D. Miller Jr., Dr. Allen C. Myers, Rev. Dr. Douglas M. Parrott, Rev. Stephen F. Pisano, S.J., Dr. Marie Noonan Sabin, Dr. John Jacob Schmitt, Rev. Gerard S. Sloyan, Rev. Thomas H. Tobin, S.J., Albert Cardinal Vanhoye, S.J., Rev. Jerome T. Walsh.

The afternoon began with papers delivered in Simultaneous Sessions: Corrine L. Carvalho, “‘Unless You Have Utterly Rejected Us’: Male Sexual Trauma and Theology in Israelite Exilic Literature,” and Angela Kim Harkins, “A New Look at Hermas’s Book of Vision.”

Two sessions of Research Reports heard the following: Carmen Palmer, “Naomi the Nurse: Obed’s Ambiguous Identity Transmission;” Dominic S. Irudayaraj, S.J., “Pursuing the Black Hole in Isaiah, Trauma-tically!;” Gregory Y. Glazov, “Online Scriptural Database of Jewish Theological Writings on the Holocaust;” Deborah Thompson Prince, “Seeking Balance: Visions and Authority in Luke-Acts;” Brian Yong Lee, “Askesis and Anthropology in Corinth: Rereading 1 Corinthians 6:12a and 10:23a as a Response to Corinthian Askesis rather than Corinthian Libertinism;” Timothy M. Willis, “The Monarchy and Lineage-based Adjudication in DtrH;” Mark Giszczak, “Jewish Cult in the Wisdom of Solomon;” Juraj Feník, “Implicit Shepherd Imagery in the Gospel of John;” and Laurie Brink, O.P., “Archaeological Insights into the Portrayal of Herod Agrippa’s Death (Acts 12:19b–23).”

The Saturday program concluded with Gina Hens-Piazza delivering her President’s Address, “Woman Zion’s Destiny as Theological Disclosure: A Feminist Mapping of a Metaphor across Isaiah,” followed by a Zoom meeting social.

Sessions on Sunday, August 1st

One Task Force and six Continuing Seminars met simultaneously each day from 11:00 a.m. - to 1:00 p.m. The Task Force, “Addressing Representations of Jews and Judaism,” was convened by Chris Seeman and Ximena Debroeck. Fact sheet development on “How to Talk About Pharisees” was directed by Amy-Jill Levine and Philip Cunningham. Fact sheet development on “How to Talk About Lepers, Purity, and Women” was guided by Ricky Shinall and Chris Seeman. The “Blaming the Jews in Luke-Acts “video script development was steered by Regina Boisclair.

The Continuing Seminars leadership and programs as follows:

  • “Divinity in Ancient Israel” (Co-Conveners: Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, Andrew R. Davis, and Garrett Galvin, O.F.M.. Presenters: David Bosworth, “Creation and Emotion in Isaiah: Love;” Aleksander Krogevoll, “I Appeared as El Shaddai: An Inquiry into the Proposed Etymologies for the Divine Name”);
  • “Hebrew Poetry: Poetry of Second Isaiah, Chapters. 40-55” (Co-conveners: Joseph E. Jensen and Pauline A. Vivano. Presenters: Sophia Magallanes-Tsang, “Isaiah 54:1-10;” Steven Bishop, “Isaiah 54:11-17;” Joan E. Cook, S.C., “Isaiah 55:1-5;” John R. Jackson, “Isaiah 55:6-13.” Panel Discussion: Harry Hagan, O.S.B., Katherine M. Hayes, and Harry P. Nasuti);
  • “Methodology and Memory Research in Jesus Studies Proposal” (Co-conveners: Rafael Rodriguez and Michael P. Barber, Augustine Institute. Presentations: A Discussion of Dale C. Allison Jr., “How to Marginalize the Traditional Criteria of Authenticity,” Brant J. Pitre and Darrell L. Bock, respondents;  A Discussion of John P. Meier, “Introduction to Volume Five: The Parables: How Do They Fit into the Quest for the Historical Jesus,” Tucker S. Ferda and Paula Fredriksen, respondents; A Discussion of Amy-Jill Levine, “Women’s Itineracy and the Criteria of Authenticity in John Meier’s Marginal Jew,” Michael P. Barber and Rafael Rodrigues, respondents);
  • “Paul and Method” (Convener: Timothy Milinovich. Presenters: Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S, “Baptism in Galatians and a Question of Methodology;” John Gillman, “Parresia in the Pauline Corpus;” Najeeb Haddad, “Hupotasso in Rom 13:1-7;” Normand Bonneau, “Narrative and Its Theological Import in 1 Thessalonians;” Mark Goodwin, “Paul and Patristic Hermeneutics”);
  • “The Deuterocanonical Books: Education and Paideia from Various Angles” (Co-Conveners: Vincent Skemp and Francis Macatangay. Presenters: Karina Martin Hogan, “Listen to your Mother! Mothers as Teachers of Virtue in the Deuterocanonical and Pseudepigraphical Literature;” Gary Klump, “God as Sage in Sirach 42:15-43:33;” Patrick Pouchelle, “Is God a Good Pedagogue? A Synchronic Analysis of Tobit and Deut 8:1-4 (MT) in Light of Modern Pedagogy;”
  • Francis M. Macatangay, “The Purpose of Paideia in the Book of Tobit”); “The Gospel and Letters of John” (Co-conveners: Peter Judge and Mark A. Matson. Presenters: Michael Whitenton, “Configuring Nicodemus;” James Barker, “John’s Use of Luke;” Elizabeth Shrader, “One Sister or Two? Differing Depictions of the Lazarus Story in John's Gospel;” Alessandro Cavicchia, “Preserving the Servant/Son of YHWH. John & 4Q372”).

The second set of Simultaneous Sessions followed with papers from Richard Bautch, “The Covenant of Levi as Rebuttal to the Pentateuchal Redaction” and Jaime Clarke-Soles, “Women in the Bible: The State of the Question.”

Two sessions of Research Reports heard the following papers: Craig E. Morrison, “The Younger Versions in the Critical Apparatus of the Biblia Hebraica Quinta;” Andrew R. Davis, Amos 7:10-17 in its Scribal Setting;” Marco Benini, “Liturgical Hermeneutic of Sacred Scripture;” Najeeb T. Haddad, “’Fitting In’ With the Civil Authority: ‘ΥΠΟΤΑΣΣΩ in Romans 13:1–7;” Richard J. Cassidy, “New Perspectives on Phil 2:6-11 as Counter-Slavery and Counter Emperor;” Kevin Stephens, O.P., “Symbolic Names in the Old Testament;” Peter Dubovský, S.J., “A New Reading of the Solomon Narrative: Completion Terminology in 1 Kgs/3 Kgdms 1–11 and in Mesopotamian Royal Inscriptions;” Kevin Zilverberg, Textual History of VL Daniel from Tertullian to Lucifer;” and Joseph E. Jensen, The Identity of the Manager Who Squandered His Master’s Property.”

            Sunday evening closed with a virtual social.

Sessions on Monday, August 2nd

The Task Force and Continuing Seminars resumed their work in the morning. In the afternoon, two sessions of Research Reports during the afternoon heard the following papers: Michael J. Stahl, “God’s Best ‘Frenemy’: Yhwh and Baal in Ancient Israel;” Kelley Coblentz Bautch, “Reading 1 Maccabees Faithfully;” Matthew G. Whitlock, “Historical-Critical Research and Walter Benjamin’s ‘Dialectical Image’;” Dulcinea Boesenberg, “Controlling Women in the Way in Luke-Acts;” David A. Bosworth, “Abandonment Issues: The Motif of Ruined Cities in Isaiah;” Burkard M. Zapff, “Isa 12 and Mic 7 - Texts of a Common Redactional Layer? Some Observations;” Julius-Kei Kato, “The New Testament as a Village of Faith-Ancestors;” James B. Prothro, “Knowledge and Truth: Romans 2:20 and the Use of the Mosaic Law in Paul.”

Monday’s program concluded with a Panel Discussion, “The Art and Challenge of Translation: Revising the NAB New Testament,” with Sherri Brown as moderator and panelists: Harold W. Attridge, Christopher J. Ciccarino, Mary Healy, Felix Just, S.J., Edward Mazich, O.S.B., and Mary Sperry. The general session was followed by a social.

Sessions on Tuesday, August 3rd

The Task Force and Continuing Seminars met in the morning, followed by a session of Research Reports in which the following papers were heard: Joachim Eck, “From a Kingship of Glory (Ps 8:6) to a Kingship of Mercy (Ps 103:4);”Eric John Wyckoff, S.D.B., “The Biblical Well Encounters: A Complex Interrelation;” Paul Cizek, “Beyond the Violent / Non-Violent Messiah Debate in Psalm of Solomon 17;” Timothy Milinovich, “On the Other Hand: Rethinking the ‘Right Hand of Fellowship’ in Galatians 2:9;” Jason A. Staples, “Vessels of Wrath and God’s Pathos: Potter/Clay Imagery in Rom 9:20–23.”

The final General Session was an address by Sarah Kohles, O.S.F, “Michal Reframed: A Feminist Approach to Reading the Woman at the Window Motif in 2 Samuel 6:16-23.”

Business Meeting

The CBA President, Gina Hens-Piazza, called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m., noting that all Full member registrants were emailed a ballot via Survey Monkey that would be used for voting on candidates for membership, CBA offices and committee membership, and associate editorship (216 ballots were sent to the Full members registered for the meeting. 135 Full members voted).

  • The Executive Director’s report was given by Archie Wright. He began by noting that CBA continues to be a leader in biblical academic organizations, primarily due to its members, the leadership of the Executive Board, and its growing financial portfolio. Wright pointed out that despite the limitations presented because of the pandemic, the virtual annual general meeting was successful. He proposed that going forward, it is likely that a virtual component will be a regular part of all CBA events and that this technology will grant CBA opportunities to begin new ventures of scholarly interchange, including such things as a graduate student conference online (or face to face) that will allow grad students to present their ongoing research and gain valuable feedback from their peers and seasoned faculty. In addition, he stated that CBA will be exploring joint ventures with other academic groups to present research in similar areas in academic interest and application. He also reported that the Executive Board has developed and approved a Professional Conduct Policy and that a committee is being formed to implement the policy.

    Wright continued with an account of membership data, recognizing a need for growth. Currently, there are 1,036 members (726 Full, 167 Associate, 50 Graduate Student, 19 Life, 74 Sustaining). This year, 105 applications were received (46 Full, 9 Associate, 29 Graduate Student, 21 upgrades to Full). Wright noted that attention needs to be paid to the association’s membership demographics in the association — the average age for CBA members is 62 and currently only 20% of the members are female. He said that two areas of growth that need to be focused on is recruitment of young scholars and female scholars to bring a balance to the demographics.

    The Executive Director’s report continued with a look at annual meeting registrations. Wright noted that 292 registered for the 2021 meeting, the highest registration since 2007 at Santa Clara.

    Wright concluded his report thanking the membership and Executive Board for allowing him the opportunity to guide CBA during this transition period following Joe Atkinson’s resignation. He expressed special appreciation to Harry Attridge, Gina Hens-Piazza, and Ron Witherup for their guidance. He also recognized Lisa Tarker for her work in the day-to-day operations, and thanked Joshua Scott and his crew of technicians for their preparations that helped to make the annual general meeting a success.

    At the conclusion of the presentation of the Executive Director’s report, the President thanked Wright and the floor was opened for questions and discussion. There being none, Hens-Piazza called for a motion to accept the report. Todd Hanneken so moved, with Jean-François Racine seconding the motion. Using the hand-raise feature of Zoom, the Full members present approved the motion.
  • The Chair of the Committee on Finance and Investments, Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S., was recognized to present his report. He began by noting that registrants could download a report from the Business Meeting web page, but stressed that financial documents are confidential and should be deleted after the meeting.

    Witherup said that the committee has been meeting successfully via Zoom during the pandemic. He noted that with the help of Joe Atkinson, CBA now has a budget process in place that helps the office know what to expect. He said that the professional investment policies have been updated and implemented with UBS (now available on the CBA website). He reported that CBA’s investment policies are now largely in compliance with standard Catholic ethical principles, including those concerning divesting from fossil fuels.

    The Financial Report continued with a look at the Profit/Loss Statement for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2021. Witherup pointed out that CBA is always operating in black, with a balanced budget and good accounting procedures. CBA has a contract with an accountant in Arizona who provides the Committee with monthly reports. By way of illustrating the monthly reports, Witherup said that in June 2021, the income was: $55,396.57, while expenditures were $44,439.44, netting $10,957.13. He stated that FY 2021ended with more than $770,000 in cash which largely has been re-invested.

    Witherup noted that as pertains to CBA investments that UBS and the CBA account manager, Ron Chesney, continue to render a great service to the Association. There is regular contact between the Executive Director, the Manager, and the CFI Chair. Witherup reported that in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, market performance paradoxically has not been damaged. In fact, the CBA portfolio at an all-time high (June 30, 2021), with 26.14% growth for the fiscal year. Witherup sees this as evidence that our established policies are working (especially a balanced and diversified portfolio that nevertheless maintains a fairly aggressive stance of about 75% in equities, 20% in fixed income, and 5% in cash, with periodic rebalancing).

The report on Investments continued with Witherup stating that the CFI has decided to invest $3 million in alternative energy sources, adding that the fossil fuel issue is not cut and dry. The Committee is taking an active-passive approach, slowly divesting of fossil fuels, but also investing in cleaner energy sources. This, he said, is in keeping with the Vatican’s directive and CBA’s own new policy.

Witherup stated that although CBA no longer has the USCCB royalty monies which ended last year, there is sufficient funding at present to maintain administrative costs and to continue expansion of special projects (e.g., grants, scholarships, the reestablishment of the visiting professorships at the PBI in Rome, and hopefully the École Biblique in Jerusalem). He also cautioned that the incredible bull market performance of the last year will not last forever. Since investments currently are CBA’s only source of real income, Witherup said that the CFI wants to be guarded in going forward.

Witherup reported that CBA has 9 managers under the supervision of UBS. The Committee has proposed, and the Executive Board approved, the hiring of an independent fiduciary agency to analyze the integrity of CBA’s investments and assure the most advantageous investment results with justifiable fees.

The CFI Chair concluded his report stating that the goal of the Committee of is to ensure long-term future mission of the CBA with sufficient funding. He noted that membership on the CFI remains an important issue, as some members will be finalizing renewed terms in the next two or three years, in accord with the Constitution. Witherup requested that if any Full member has financial experience and would like to serve to contact one of the members on the Committee: Harrold W. Attridge, Charles Kosanke, Sheila McGinn, Ferdinand Okorie,Michael Patella, O.S.B., Archie Wright (ex officio), Ronald Witherup, Chair.

The floor was opened for questions and comments. Richard Lux asked whether any royalties will be coming from the USCCB for the future New Testament revision. Witherup clarified that the royalties that CBA had received from the USCCB pertained to the translation project sponsored by the CBA with the authority of the bishops. The royalties from that project have ended. He continued saying that the new translation has been undertaken solely by the USCCB. While CBA members may have been contracted individually, it is the USCCB’s project.

With no further questions or comments, Witherup moved that the report be accepted. Ximena DeBroeck seconded the motion. The motion carried by a majority of the Full members present employing the Zoom hand-raise function.

  • The report of the Committee on Membership was presented by Archie Wright who thanked Christopher C. Begg and John Endres, S.J. for their work in vetting the over 100 applications received. Wright moved that the Full members vote via the Survey Monkey ballot to approve the following individuals for membership in their respective levels into the Catholic Biblical Association of America:
For Full Membership:

Armando Rafael Armando Castro Acquaroli, Paul J. Angelis, Luis Menéndez Antuña, John Kennedy Arockia Jockim Raj, Ablam Atsikin, S.J., Laurence Gregory Bloomquist, Adam D. P. Booth, Brandon E. Bruning, Joshua E. Burns, Aaron M. Butts, Edward H. Chandler, Ronald A. Checkai, Jeff W. Childers, Stephen M. Coleman, Jeremiah T. Coogan, Barbara Crostini, David A. deSilva, Matthew W. Dunn, Oliver W. Dyma, Nick A. Elder, Neil Prasanna Sanjeewa Fernandopulle, S.D.B., André Gagné, Joshua D. P. Garroway, Kristine S. Garroway, Andrew J. Geist, Nijay K. Gupta, Ralph K. Hawkins, Meghan R. Henning, Gabriel F. Hornung, Michel Segatagara Kamanzi, S.J., Ian Kinman, Brent C. Landau, Karen J. Langton, Brian Y. Lee, Leonardo Lepore, Mark Lester, Robert B. Lewis, Rodolfo F. Luna, Caroline N. Mbonu, John T. McGregor, Israel N. McGrew, Curt Niccum, Francisco -Javier Ruiz-Ortiz, Jose-David Padilla, Richard A. Purcell, Andrea D. P. Saner, Daniel Richard Schneider, David A. Schones, Benedict Schöning, María José Schultz, Myrick C. ShinallJennifer E. Singletary, Joshua Paul Smith, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher, Olivia C. Stewart Lester, Jennifer R. Strawbridge, Slawomir S. Szkredka, Shane M. Thompson, Kevin M. Scott, Myrick C. Shinall, Jennifer E. Singletary, Eric M. Trinka, Horacio Vela, Eric Joseph Wagner, Erin G. Walsh, Matthew Gregory Whitlock, Matthew David Wiseman, Benjamin G. Wold, David E. Young.

The candidates were accepted: 131 approved; 1 did not approve; 3 abstained.

For Associate Membership:

Thomas Acemoglu, Javier Del Angel De los Santos, O.F.M., Michael DeVries, Amir M. Dinkha, Amy C. Ekeh, Francis Eugene Adefuin Fadul, Thomas L. Head, Mark P. Kaminski, John J. O'Grady, Mary T. Stancavage, Francis Vu Tran, S.C.J.,

The candidates were accepted: 133 approved; 0 did not approve; 2 abstented.

For Graduate Student Membership:

Christopher S. Atkins, Rachel M. Bell, Andrew C. Blila, Christa Marie Bryant, Mehak Burza, Pertina Carter, Caroline E. Collins, Cliff Kayombo Fumbelo, Joshua R. Garcia, Carlos A. García Alayon, Marcus B. Hayes, Samuel S. Hogan, Noelle G. Johnson, Jeffery Vaughn Jordan O.F.M., Dane H. Kirk, Kacie J. Klamm, Kaitlynn C. Merckling, Barnard Olefile Mokwena, Daniel P. Mueller, Andrew J. D. Myers, John Panicker, Jonathon E. Polce, S.J., John C. Proctor, Elizabeth B. Schrader, Kevin M. Scott, Daniel P. Sims, Joshua Paul Smith, Nathaniel Szidik, O.S.B., Aletia W. Thomas, Lucia G. Tosatto, Kaitlynn C. Merckling.

The candidates were accepted: 134 approved; 0 did not approve; 1 abstained.

The President called for a motion to accept the report of the Committee on Membership. David Monaco so moved and John L. McLaughlin seconded. With a majority Zoom hand-raise, the report was accepted.

  • As Chair, Andrew Davis presented the report of the Committee on Nominations. He thanked the Committee members, Harry P. Nasuti, Ahida Pilarski, Carol Dempsey, O.P., Katherine Hayes for their work. The following officers were approved by the CBA Full membership through ballot [Approved count/Not approved count/Abstentions]: Harold W. Attridge for Chair, 2021-24, second term [130/1/4 vote]; Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S. for President, 2021-22 term [132/0/3 vote]; Stephen Breck Reid for Vice-President, 2021-22 term [124/1/1]; for Consultors to the Executive Board, 2021-23 term: Mary Kate Birge, S.S.J. and Brigid Frein [128/0/7 vote].

    Through the same voting procedure, the following were approved for committee membership: on Nominations — James Okoye, C.S.Sp. (2021-22 term), Séamus O’Connell, (2021-24 term), Maria Pascuzzi, C.S.J. (2021-24 term) [127/2/6 vote]; on Finance and Investments — Harold W. Attridge (2021-24, third term), Charles G. Kosanke (2021-23, third term), Sheila McGinn (2021-24, second term), Michael Patella, O.S.B. (2021-24, third term), Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S. (2021-23, third term) [131/2/1 vote]; on Program for the Annual General Meeting — Jaime Waters (2021-24 term) [129/1/5]; on Research Support — Amy-Jill Levine (2021-24 term) and Jean-Pierre Ruiz (2021-24 term) [130/2/3 vote]; on Technology and Outreach — Patrick Pouchelle (2021-23, second term) and Jean-François Racine (2021-23, second term) [131/1/2 vote].

    Jean-Pierre Ruiz moved, and Charles Hughes Huff seconded, that the Committee on Nominations report be accepted. The motion passed with a majority hand-raise of the Full members present.

  • Leslie J. Hoppe, O.F.M. presented his last report as General Editor of The Catholic Biblical Quarterly. He stated that the issues of the past year were produced on time and virtually error-free, due largely to the work of copy editor Maurya Horgan and Christopher T. Begg’s managing editor. He said the annual average article submissions is 100. Currently, there are about 30 articles in backlog. He announced that Corrine Carvalho has been elected as the new General Editor of CBQ. Her term begins January 1, 2022 and concludes December 31, 2025. and her term may be renewed once.

    The following were approved as CBQ Associate Editors in a 132/0/3 ballot vote: Richard Bautch (2nd Term: 2022-24), Sherri Brown (2nd Term: 2022-24), David Hankins (Term: 2022-24). Thomas Hieke (2nd Term: 2022-24), Karina Hogan (2nd Term: 2022-24), Chris Keith (2nd Term: 2022-24), Francisco Lozada (Term: 2022-24), Timothy Milinovich (Term: 2022-24), Melanie Peetz (Term: 2022-24), , Mary Coloe (Term: 2022-25), Carol Dempsey, O.P. (2nd Term: 2022-25), Michal Beth Dinkler (2nd Term: 2022-25), Thomas Dozeman (2nd Term: 2022-25), Juan Hernandez (Term: 2022-25), Melody Knowles (Term: 2022-25), Daniel Michiela (Term: 2022-25), Isaac Augustine Morales (Term: 2022-25), Alicia Myers (Term: 2022-25), Rafael Rodriquez (Term: 2022-25), Pheme Perkins (2nd Term: 2022-25), Susanne Scholz (Term: 2022-25), Jeffrey Stachert (2nd Term: 2022-25).

    Hoppe concluded his report stating that CBQ Editorial Board and the members the members of the CBA owe a debt of gratitude to Jacqueline Lapsley, John McLaughlin, Marianne Blickenstaff, and Karl Kuhn of the class of 2020, who graciously agreed to continue their service for an additional year since no elections for new editors took place last year. He also thanked the members of the class of 2021 who will complete their service in December: Wendy Cotter, David Downs, Holly Hearon, Isaac Kalimi, Carleen Mandolfo, Timothy Sandoval and Matthew Skinner. He added a special thanks to Wendy Cotter for her excellent service as the secretary of the Editorial Board.

    The President thanked Hoppe for his service as General Editor. Laurie Brink, O.P. congratulated Hoppe on the forthcoming festschrift in his honor and Sherri Brown thanked Hoppe for his work. With no further questions or comments forthcoming, Hens-Piazza called for a motion to accept the report. Timothy B. Sailors moved, and Stephen Bishop seconded, that the report of the General Editor of CBQ be accepted. The motion carried by a majority of Full members employing the Zoom hand-raise function.

  • Richard Bautch delivered his report as the General Editor of CBQMS (and CBQMI), beginning with an update on CBQ Imprints, the series that began in 2020 to complement the Monograph Series. He said that the new series features studies that range beyond the scope of the CBQMS, on topics of Old Testament, New Testament, and cognate fields. The series accepts a broad range of methodologies and hermeneutical approaches. The first volume was published on November 18, 2020, entitled The Figure of Jesus in History and Theology: Essays in Honor of John Meier, edited by Vincent T.M. Skemp and Kelley Coblentz Bautch. The volume features more than a dozen prominent scholars who engage Meier’s work and address its reception today. Bautch said that the sales of this fist volume in the series is strong. He added that the next three volumes in the series are in various states of production.

    Bautch reported that the second volume in the series, God and Gods in the Deuteronomistic History, edited by Corrine Carvalho and John L. McLaughlin, will be published later in the year. The work, he said, features rigorous exegetical and theological research on the former prophets and each study focuses on how God is disclosed historically in Israel. The third volume in the series, Bautch reported, is in pre-production and will be published in 2022. The book is edited by Barbara Reid, O.P. and is entitled, Forget Not God’s Benefits: Festschrift in Honor of Leslie Hoppe, O.F.M. and contains expert studies on topics in the Old Testament and New Testament. Bautch said, there also is a manuscript in the final stages of review, poised to become CBQI volume 4, with likely publication in 2023.

    Shifting over to CBQMS, Bautch reported that over the course of the last year, several potential authors have approached him as General Editor. The potential publications are both in Old Testament and New Testament studies, noting that more books will be forthcoming in this important series that advances the field in lasting contributions to the discipline. He said that the CBQMS Editorial Board welcomes CBA member’s contributions to the series.

    In new business, Bautch reported that CBA has been working with its partners at CUA Press to publish all future titles in both series as eBooks. He said that the plan approved by the Executive Board involves the typesetters uploading a book’s file to a repository. The files are processed, prepared for sale, and sold in the CUA Press catalog in the same manner that print titles are sold. He assured the members that the print books are not going away, but that the addition of eBooks gives readers more options and puts CBA at the forefront of publishing. It also permits CBA to do a better job of making biblical scholarship available worldwide.

    Bautch noted that the pandemic and the suspension of the annual general meeting last year meant that the Associate Editors whose terms were due to expire remained and extra year. He thanked those editors who continued in an extension of their service and expressed gratitude to all the editors. He also offered appreciation to Joe Atkinson for his fine work and to Archie Wright who has stepped into the role of Executive Director.

    The following were approved as CBQMS Associate Editors in a 131/1/3 ballot vote: J. Todd Hibbard (Term: 2022-24), Dominik Markl (Term: 2022-24), Margaret M. Mitchell (Term: 2022-24), Bill T. Arnold (Term: 2022-24), Mary Rose D'Angelo (Term: 2022-25), Joachim Eck (Term: 2022-25), Susanne Scholz (Term: 2022-25), Roberto Martinez (Term: 2022-25).

    The President thanked Bautch for his work and his initiatives and opened the floor for discussion. Mark Giszczak asked in what formats will the eBooks be available? Bautch responded that the simplest answer was that the eBooks will look like JBL online. It will essentially be a pdf file, but there will be links between the table of contents and the chapters. Theses books will not be flowable text, so they will not be serviceable on Kindle. Flowable text does not work well with text that goes right to left, such as Hebrew, so it is not a viable option for CBQMS or CBQI. With no further discussion or questions forthcoming, Hens-Piazza called for a motion to accept the report. Eric John Wyckoff, S.D.B. moved and Timothy B. Sailors seconded, that the report be accepted. The motion carried in a majority Zoom hand-raise of the Full members present.

  • In the absence of Christopher T. Begg, Joseph E. Jensen presented the report of the General Editor of Old Testament Abstracts. He stated that the February & June issues of vol. 44 (2021) are published. Together, the 2 issues contain 1,567 article abstracts and 208 book abstracts. He noted that the October 2021 issue is in production and that material for February 2022 is ready for the typesetters. The floor was opened for discussion. There being none, Hens-Piazza called for a motion to accept the report. After Felix Just, S.J. moved, and Timothy B. Sailors seconded, that the report be accepted, the Full members in a majority Zoom hand-raise approved the motion.

  • The President then recognized Gregory E. Sterling to present the report of the Committee on Research Support. Sterling reported that the Committee was originally formed in 2015 to address the CCD Grant which now have concluded. There were 9 cycles, with 93 applications being submitted, 46 of which the CBA Committee recommended, and 40 finally approved by the bishops, so 43% of the requests were funded. He remarked that there was some discrepancy between the academic perspective of the Committee and ecclesiastical perspective of the bishops at times, but also noted with appreciation that the bishops extending the funding. The total amount granted, $724,018.50, is $203.36 more than the CCD was obligated to pay.

    Sterling reported that during this time period the Committee made several recommendations to the Executive Board that were accepted and implemented. One recommendation was that CBA create a grant program of its own which has been done. The Grants from the CBA program is in it’s second year. Sterling thanked the Executive Board for extending the funding this year. He said that there were two proposals that the CCD did not fund in the last round of grants that the Committee wanted to roll-over into the Grants from the CBA. Sterling reported that the $68,750 awarded this year is well beyond the $35,000 that had been originally budgeted. He added that the Committee also is responsible for the awarding of Travel Grants, but the program was to have begun with the 2020 annual general meeting that was cancelled, and no travel was required for this year’s meeting. But, he noted, the funds that had been budgeted for Travel Grants were able to be shifted to the CBA Grants this year.

    Nine applications for the PBI Visiting Professorship were received, Sterling reported. The Committee will make recommendations from the applications and forward them to the PBI which will make the final determination.

    Sterling concluded by thanking the Committee members that have served through the course of the CCD Grants: Randall D. Chesnutt, Jeremy Corley, Joachim Eck, Todd Hanneken, Steven L. McKenzie, Maria Pascuzzi, C.S.J., Anathea Portier-Young, Jean-François Racine, and Pauline Viviano, and adding a note of appreciation for the work of Lisa Tarker, Joseph Atkinson, and Archie Wright in support of the Committee’s work.

    Hens-Piazza opened the floor for comments. There being none, she called for a motion to approve the report. Mark S. Smith so moved, and Laurie Brink, O.P. seconded. A majority of members approved the motion by employing the Zoom hand-raise function.

  • Frank Matera was recognized to present a report on the Paulist Press series, Biblical Studies from The Catholic Biblical Association of America. He reported that the series was inaugurated about five years ago when Enrique Aguilar suggested series a similar to the long-established Cahiers Évangile series. Matera stated that the Biblical Studies series is a joint venture between CBA and Paulist Press with a per centage of the profit from each title going to CBA. Members of the Editorial Board are Enrique Aguilar, Joseph Atkinson, Richard Bautch, Angela Harkins, Peter Spitalter, with Matera serving as General Editor. He noted that three volumes have been published to date: A Concise Theology of the New Testament by Frank J. Matera, Letters to the Johannine Circle: 1-3 John by Francis J. Moloney, SDB, and The Landscape of the Gospels: A Deeper Meaning by Donald Senior. He reported that three more titles are in production: Scripture and Tradition in the Letters of Paul by Ronald D. Witherup, Christ in the Book of Revelation by Ian Boxall, and Come and See: Discipleship in the Gospel of John by Sherri Brown. Two other works have been delivered recently to the publisher: Amos and Hosea: The Justice and Mercy of God by Katherine Hayes and The Theology and Spirituality of the Psalms of Ascent by Bradley Gregory, Matera reported. He also noted there are five other works in various stages of production and a few others have been promised. Matera said that the Editorial Board now feels that there are a sufficient number of volumes that define the genre of the series, namely, volumes of about 32,00o words, clearly written, that will engage the interest of educated non-specialist students. Matera said that they are continuing to look for new authors that can write such studies and encourage members to contact him or others on the Editorial Board if they are interested in writing for the series.

    The floor was opened for comments or questions. There being none, Jean-François Racine moved, and Thomas Bolin seconded, that the report be approved. Using the Zoom hand-raise function, a majority of Full members accepted the motion.

  • On behalf of the Resolutions Committee, Harold W. Attridge, Jr., introduced the two motions which passed in a majority of Full members employing the Zoom hand-raise function:

    • WHEREAS Archie Wright, our colleagues on the program committee, and the technical team that enabled and tended our Zoom time have done an admirable job of organizing and shepherding this virtual annual general meeting, BE IT RESOLVED that The Catholic Biblical Association of America offers them its heartfelt thanks.

    • WHEREAS during the eight years of his tenure as Executive Director Joe Atkinson provided excellent leadership to the Association, helped to bring a new level of professional organization to its administration, prudently guided its budget, carefully oversaw the details of many annual general meetings, helped to organize a new arrangement for those meetings, facilitated a renewed engagement with our colleagues at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, and was ever a gracious and responsive administrator, BE IT RESOLVED that The Catholic Biblical Association of America offers Joe Atkinson our heartfelt thanks and appreciation, best wishes for his continued work at the John Paul II Institute, and good health for many years to come.

The President reiterated the thanks to those who worked on the annual general meeting and to Joseph Atkinson. She then asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Todd Hanneken so moved and Martin Albl seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 5:03 p.m. with a majority of Full members approving the motion using the Zoom hand-raise function.

The 83rd International Meeting of the CBA concluded in prayer presided by Felix Just, S.J., with Pauline Viviano and Nelida Naveros Cordova, C.D.P. as ministers of the Word and petitions led by Mark Kiley.

The following CBA members and invited guests were registered for the meeting:

Adam, Klaus-Peter

Albl, Martin C.

Alexander, William E.

Arnold, Bill T.

Arockia Jockim Raj, John K.

Atkinson, Joseph C.

Atsikin, Ablam, S.J.

Attridge, Harold

Awabdy, Mark A.

Banazak, Gregory

Barber, Michael P.

Barga, Maria E.

Barker, James W.

Bautch, Richard J.

Beavis, Mary Ann

Bell, Rachel

Benini, Marco

Benjamin, Harry S.

Binz, Stephen

Birge, Mary Kate

Bishop, Steven

Bloomquist, Laurence Gregory

Boesenberg, Dulcinea L.

Boisclair, Regina A.

Bolin, Thomas M.

Bonneau, Normand R., O.M.I.

Bosworth, David A.

Boxall, Ian K.

Brien, Mary T.

Brink, Laurie A., O.P.

Brown, Katherine E.

Brown, Sherri L.

Burnett, David

Calduch-Benages, Nuria

Callender, Dexter

Cancino, Victor M.

Carroll, John t.

Carvalho, Corrine l.

Cassidy, Richard j.

Castro Acquaroli, Armando Rafael

Cavicchia, Alessandro, O.F.M.

Childers, Jeff

Cho, PaulK. K.

Ciccarino, Christopher Michael

Cizek, Paul

Clarke, Kevin M.

Clark-Soles, Jaime A.

Clifford, Richard, S.J.

Coblentz Bautch, Kelley

Coogan, Jeremiah T.

Cook, Joan E., S.C.

Corley, T. J. Jeremy

Cotter, Wendy J., C.S.J

Cousins, Francis C.

Cover, Michael B. B.

Cunningham, Philip A.

Czander, Giovanna R.

Daly Horell, Barbara J.

D'Angelo, Mary R.

Davids, Peter Hugh, B.S.C.D

Davis, Andrew R.

DeBroeck, Ximena

Dempsey, Carol J., O.P.

DeVries, Michael

Dewrell, Heath D.

Di Vito, Robert A.

Dickerson, Febbie C.

DiMicco, Russell G.

Dinkler, Michal Beth Beth

Do, Toan

Donovan, Christine A.

Dubovský, Peter, S.J.

Duggan, Michael W.

Dyer, Bryan

Eck, Joachim Markus

Eisenberg, Roberta

Ekeh, Amy C.

Elliott, Susan (Elli)

Endres, John C., S.J.

Enemali, Mark Ojonugwa, C.S.Sp.

Exum, J. Cheryl

Fadul, Francis Eugene

Fenik, Juraj

Fernandopulle, Neil Prasanna, S.D.B.

Fielder, Amy

Flores, Randolf Carino, S.V.D

Frechette, Christopher

Frein, Brigid Curtin

Frizzell, Lawrence E.

Fumbelo, Cliff Kayombo

Gadenz, Pablo T.

Galvin, Garrett M., O.F.M.

Garber, Zev

Gillman, John

Giszczak, Mark B.

Glazov, Gregory Y.

Gomez, Laura

Goodwin, Mark J.

Graham, Susan L.

Grant, Deena E.

Gutkowski, Sharon

Haddad, Najeeb T.

Hagan, Harry, O.S.B.

Hamilton, Mark W.

Hanneken, Todd R.

Harkins, Angela Kim

Harrington, Linda S.

Hayes, Katherine M.

Healy, Mary E.

Heasley, Peter A.

Henning, Meghan

Hens-Piazza, Gina

Hess, Katja

Hibbard, Todd

Higginbotham, Andrew W.

Higginbotham, Samuel Brice

Hinsdale, Mary Ann, I.H.M.

Hogan, Karina Martin

Hoppe, Leslie J., O.F.M.

Hornung, Gabriel F.

Hughes Huff, Charles

Huizenga, Annette Bourland

Ijezie, Luke E.

Irudayaraj, Dominic Sundararaj, S.J.

Jackson, John R.

Jensen, Joseph E.

Judge, Peter J.

Just, Felix, S.J.

Kamanzi, Michel Segatagara, S.J.

Kaminski, Mark P.

Kateusz, Ally

Kato, Julius-Kei

Kiley, Mark

Kinney, James R.

Kirby, Diana Jill

Kitz, Anne Marie

Klump, Gary P.

Kohles, Sarah E., O.S.F.

Krogevoll, Aleksander

Kucer, Peter S., M.S.A.

Lafferty, Terry Lafferty, O.S.B.

Laffey, Alice L., S.S.D.

Lane, Thomas J.

Lanigan, Anne M.

Lapko, Robert

Lapsley, Jacqueline

Launderville., Dale Launderville, O.S.B.

Lee, Brian Yong

Lee, Woo Min Min

Legarreta, Felipe de Jesus

Leonard-Fleckman, Mahri S.

Lepore, Leonardo

Levine, Amy-Jill

Lewis, Jody Vaccaro

Luna, Rodolfo F.

Lux, Richard Charles

Macatangay, Francis M.

MacDonald, Margaret Y.

Macinskas-Le, Leah

Macnamara, Luke John, O.S.B.

Magallanes-Tsang, Sophia A.

Mahfood, Sebastian P.

Maloney, Elliott C., O.S.B.

Maloney, Linda M.

Manzo, Juana Laura

Marek, Libor

Martinez, Roberto Martinez, O.F.M. Cap.

Mason, Eric F.

Matera, Frank J.

Matson, Mark A.

Mazich, Edward M., O.S.B.

McCormick, Larry David

McCreesh, Thomas P., O.P.

McCruden, Kevin B.

McGinn, Sheila E.

McGrew, Israel

McKenzie, Steven L.

McLaughlin, John

Megbelayin, Jerome Olu

Meldrum, Brian J.

Mendez, Hugo E.

Milinovich, Timothy M.

Miner, Darren R.

Mitchell, Alan C.

Monaco, David G., C.P.

Monnig, Matthew S., S.J.

Morrison, Craig E., O. Carm.

Morrisroe, Richard F.

Morrow, William S.

Morton, Russell

Mueller, Daniel

Myers, Alicia D.

Myers, Andrew J.D.

Myers, Susan E.

Nasuti, Harry P

Naveros Cordova, Nelida, C.D.P.

Newman, Judith H.

Nguyen, Vien

Obada, Taiye Anthony

O'Connell, Séamus

O’Grady, John

Okorie, Ferdinand I., C.M.F.

Okoye, James Chukwuma, C.S.Sp.

O'Leary, Anne M., P.B.V.M.

Osiek, Carolyn Osiek, R.S.C.J.

Ossom-Batsa, George

Padilla, José-David, O.P.

Page, James R., S.J.

Palmer, Carmen J.H.

Pascuzzi, Maria, C.S.J.

Patella, Michael F., O.S.B.

Penchansky, David

Petrany, Catherine E.

Pilarski, Ahida Calderón

Pitre, Brant J.

Polinski, Nathanael R., O.S.B.

Portalatin, Antonio

Portier-Young, Anathea E.

Pouchelle, Patrick

Power, Bruce A.

Prince, Deborah Thompson

Prothro, James B.

Racine, Jean-François

Rappé, Donald J.

Reasoner, Mark

Reid, Barbara E., O.P.

Reid, Stephen Breck

Rodriguez, Rafael

Rosenblatt, Eloise M., R.S.M.

Rosolen, Higinio R.

Ruiz, Gilberto A.

Ruiz, Jean-Pierre

Ryan, Stephen D., O.P.

Sailors, Timothy B.

Sander, Paul J.

Saner, Andrea D.

Schmidt, A. Jordan

Schneck, Richard J., S.J.

Schneider, Daniel R.

Schneiders, Sandra Marie, I.H.M.

Scholz, Susanne

Schrader, Elizabeth B.

Schuller, Eileen M., O.S.U.

Schweers, Katherine E

Scott, Joshua R.

Seeman, Christopher J.

Senior, Donald P., C.P.

Seraphine, John R.

Sherwood, Stephen K., C.M.F.

Shinall, Myrick C., Jr.

Shockey, Brian T.

Simkovich, Malka Zeiger

Sims, Daniel P.

Skemp, Vincent

Skinner, Christopher W.

Smith, David Whitten

Smith, Mark S.

Spatafora, Andrea, M.S.F.

Sperry, Mary Elizabeth

Spitaler, Peter

Stachow, Mary Ann, S.B.S.

Stahl, Michael J.

Staples, Jason A.

Starbuck, Scott R.

Stefanów, Jan Janacek, S.V.D.

Stephens, Kevin, O.P.

Sterling, Gregory E.

Tosatto, Lucia G.

Trinka, Eric M.

Troost-Cramer, Kathleen A.M.

Umoren, Gerarld Emem

Uzodimma, Geraldine

Verheyden, Joseph F.E.

Viviano, Pauline A.

Walsh, Erin G.

Walters, Patricia

Waters, Jaime L.

West, James E.

Whelan, Julie S.

Whitenton, Michael R.

Whitlock, Matthew G.

Williamson, Peter S.

Willis, Timothy M.

Willitts, Joel R.

Witherup, Ronald D., P.S.S.

Wright, Archie T.

Wyckoff, Eric John, S.D.B.

Yu, Michelle

Zanchettin, Leo R.

Zapff, Burkard M.

Zilverberg, Kevin

Respectfully submitted,
Archie T. Wright, Executive Director
Lisa Tarker, Recording Secretary