2017 AGM - The Catholic University of America
Report of the Eightieth International Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America
The eightieth international meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America was held August 5-8, 2017 at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. The meeting began on Saturday, August 5th, with a welcome from Robert Miller II on behalf of the CUA School of Theology and Religious Studies. The opening general session was an address entitled “Early Reformation Bibles: Changes in the Text and Format of the Christian Scriptures” delivered by David J. Trobisch, Director of Collections for the Museum of the Bible, Washington, D.C. The address was followed by a social.
Sessions on Sunday, August 6th
Five Task Forces and seven Continuing Seminars met simultaneously each day from 8:45 to 10:45 A.M.
The Task Forces included: “Biblical Hermeneutics and Cultural Studies” (co-conveners: Richard J. Bautch and Jean-François Racine; core group members in attendance: Joseph L. McDonald, Michael Patella, O.S.B., David Penchansky, David W. Smith); “Feminist Biblical Hermeneutics” (co-conveners: Lai Ling E. Ngan and Ahida E. Pilarski; core group members in attendance: Mary Ann Beavis, Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., John C. Endres, S.J., Sallie Latkovich, C.S.J, Linda M. Maloney, Barbara E. Reid, O.P., Seung Ai); “John’s Gospel and the Old Testament” (co-conveners Lawrence E. Frizell and Gregory Y. Glazov; core group members in attendance: Harold W. Attridge Jr., James W. Barker, Sherri L. Brown, Christopher M. Ciccarino, Toan Do, Peter Judge, Felix Just, S.J., Hugo E. Méndez, George T. Montague, S.M., Earl C. Muller, S.J.). “God the Father in Paul’s Letters” (co-conveners: Robert O’Toole, S.J., and Timothy Milinovich; core group members in attendance: Normand R. Bonneau, O.M.I., Mary T. Brien, P.B.V.M., Mark J. Goodwin, Dennis Hamm, S.J., Brent A. Kruger, C.S.C., Elliott C. Maloney, O.S.B., Maria Pascuzzi, C.S.J., Pheme Perkins, Mark P. Reasoner, Thomas D. Stegman, S.J., Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S.); “God in the Synoptic Gospels” (co-conveners: Brigid Frein and Séamus G. O’Connell; core group members in attendance: Charles A. Bobertz, Timothy R. Carmody, Roberto Martinez, Mary Anne Stachow, S.B.S, Patricia Walters).
The Continuing Seminars and their respective leaders studied: “The Bible and Digital Humanities: Digital Tools for Teaching and Research” (Olivier-Thomas Venard, O.P. and Todd R. Hanneken); “Paul within Antiquity” (Michael P. Barber and Brant J. Pitre); “Epistle to the Hebrews” (Kevin B. McCruden and Angela Kim Harkins); “Divinity in Ancient Israel: Deuteronomistic Deities in Judges and Samuel” (John L. McLaughlin); “Purity and Sacrifice in Second Temple Judaism and Emerging Christianity” (Richard C. Lux and John J. Clabeaux); “The Deuterocanonical Books: Aspects of Jewish Identity” (Jeremy Corley and Vincent Skemp); and “Hebrew Poetry Seminar: The Poetry of Second Isaiah” (Joseph E. Jensen and Pauline A. Viviano).
The morning concluded with papers presented in simultaneous sessions: Robert Miller II, O.F.S., “Dragon Myths and Biblical Theology” and Pheme Perkins, “Traditioning Peter: Reading 1 Peter in a Roman Context.”
Four sessions of research reports during the afternoon heard the following papers delivered: Don C. Benjamin, “The Many Faces of Moses in Deuteronomy”; Andrew R. Davis, “A Near Eastern Treaty Parallel to Ezekiel’s Dry Bones”; Sherri L. Brown, “Creation and the Revelation of God: Interwoven and Interactive Themes across John 1”; Mark Kiley, “Hebrew/Aramaic Influence on the Gospel of Matthew”; Mark Reasoner, “Paul’s Letter against the Roman Gods”; James W. Barker, “Justin Martyr’s Gospel Harmonizations”; Danny Mathews, “Exodus 2:1-10 Compared to Herodotus’ Portrayal of Cyrus”; John T. Willis, “Jeremiah’s Figures of Sin as Inappropriate Response to God’s Love”; John T. Carroll, “Disability & Dis-ease: Bodies and Ethics of Reading in Luke-Acts”; Toan Do, “A Neglected Condition to Inhospitality in 2 John 10”; Mark J. Goodwin, “Paul, Participation in Christ, and the Patristic Witness”; Harry Hagan, O.S.B., “Journey in the Bible”; Gerald Emem Umorem, “The Plight of the Firstborn in Genesis: Implications for Africa”; Anne Marie Kitz, “*yahwe(h) and *yahway”; Christopher J. Seeman, “What Killed Jesus? The Fate of the Messenger in Mark”; Rekha M. Chennattu, R.A., “Life in Abundance: Johannine Ethics from an Indian Feminist Perspective”; Brant J. Pitre, “The Historical Jesus and the Apocalyptic ‘Thunderbolt’ (Mt 11:25-27//Lk 10:21-22)”; Giovanna R Czander, “What? No Piercing? An Undergraduates' Guide to Biblical Law”; Catherine Petrany, “Suffering, Speech and Wordlessness in Psalm 73”; Benedict Schöning [Emerging Scholar Fellow], “Siblinghood as a Community-Creating Metaphor in the HDR”; Francis D. Connolly-Weinert, “In the Way of the Lord: Pilgrimage as Lucan Metanarrative”; Antonio Portalatin, “Parable Theory from an Intertextual Perspective”; Timothy Milinovich, “Talking Points on the Opponents: The Political Strategy of Galatians”; Martin C. Albl, “Luther’s Fuller Appreciation of the Letter of James”.
Concurrent with the first two research report sessions was a round table discussion, “The Historical Jesus, the Gospels and Hebrews: Engaging the Scholarship of John Meier,” moderated by Kelly Coblentz Bautch and Vincent Skemp. The panelists were Amy-Jill Levine, Donald Senior, C.P., Gary A. Anderson, Frank J. Matera, and Barbara E. Reid, O.P.
The Sunday celebration of Eucharist was held in the Crypt Church of The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Immediate Past President Leslie J. Hoppe. O.F.M. was presider and homilist with Michael R. Simone, S.J. and Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S. concelebrating. Members of the association who died since the last meeting were commemorated during the liturgy: George W. Bragle, Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J., Murray L. Newman, Jr., Charles J. Parr, Leo G. Perdue, Addison George Wright, P.S.S.
The evening concluded with a word of congratulations on CBA’s 80th anniversary from the CUA President John Garvey and the CBA President’s Address, “Called into Character: Ascetic and Aesthetic Aspects of Biblical Ethics” delivered Harry P. Nasuti. The address was followed by a social hour sponsored by the CUA School of Theology and Religious Studies.
Sessions on Monday, August 7th
Felix Just, S.J. was the presider and homilist for the 7:00 A.M. celebration of Eucharist.
The task forces and continuing seminars resumed their work in the morning, followed by simultaneous sessions: “God So Loved the World - But Do We?: Integrity of Creation and the Bible” delivered by Dianne Bergant, C.S.A. and “A Letter from Babylon: Another Look at First Peter” presented by Jean-Pierre Ruiz.
Two sessions of research reports during the afternoon heard the following papers delivered: Gary A. Anderson, “The Poetics of the Tabernacle Narrative: Why Are There Two Stories of Consecration?”; Robert D. Holmstedt, “The Syntax of Poetry in Biblical Hebrew”; Dorothy A. Lee, “Matthew and the Natural World”; Alessandro Cavicchia, O.F.M., “Psa. 22(21) in John’s Gospel: Data and Interpretation”; Jenny DeVivo, “The Transfiguration as the Basis for Apostolic Authority in 2 Peter”; Leslie A. Baynes, “Baby Snatchers: Heavenly Ascent in Revelation 12:5”; Francis M. Macatangay, “Wages and God in the Book of Tobit”; David Penchansky, “Hosea and History”; Deena E. Grant, “A Prototype Emotion-Script Approach to Human and Divine Hate”; Francis J. Moloney, S.D.B., “Revisiting the Temple: Mark 11:15-17”; Ian W. Scott, “Reading the Parable of the Sower as an Applied Conceptual Metaphor”; Michael B. Cover, “The Divine Comedy at Corinth: Paul, Menander, and the Rhetoric of Resurrection”; Dulcinea L. Boesenberg, “Moses as Ancient Witness: Prooftexting in Luke-Acts?”; Michael Ufok Udoekpo, “Israel’s Prophets and Prophetic Effects of Pope Francis”.
Business Meeting
Harry P. Nasuti called the meeting to order at 3:15 pm having established a quorum (125 full members present with 105 required for the quorum). He called for a moment of silence for members who had passed away since the last meeting. Starting with the Memoriam, a PowerPoint slides accompanied each point of the meeting.
The Executive Director’s report was given by Joseph C. Atkinson. He began by recognizing the presence of Christopher T. Begg and expressing gratitude to some of those who have contributed to the meeting: Wendy Cotter, C.S.J. for her preparations for the Sunday celebration of Eucharist; the members of the Program Committee who do the “heavy lifting” in planning the meeting; the CBA staff, Violet Halton and Lisa Tarker; Felix Just, S.J. for providing the PowerPoint for this meeting; the CUA staff and students and the School of Theology and Religious Studies. He pointed out that ultimately it is the members that make the meeting – that it is the contributions of the membership that make the organization what it is. He also thanked the Executive Board, in particular, Michael Simone, S.J. and Patrick Cronauer, O.S.B. consultors who are rotating off the Board.
Atkinson then discussed some of the effects of the new CBA Constitution approved by the members in July 2014. He pointed out that the Executive Board has a stronger role in the governance of the association. The Board now meets at least three times a year. The Standing Committees now report to the Board. He noted that the Committee on Research Support developed an excellent format for reviewing the CCD Grants for the Promotion of Biblical Scholarship and Biblical Literacy. The committee carefully evaluated the submitted applications. In the end, one grant application was accepted by the CBA committee but rejected by the CCD, indicating that the proposal did not meet the pastoral criteria. Atkinson then encouraged the membership to apply for the grants that cease after 2020. He stated that any unused funds would revert to the USCCB. Later, an intervention by Mary Elizabeth Sperry specified that in the final draft of the agreement between CBA and USCCB, Joseph Jensen, O.S.B. and Kathleen M. O’Connor made sure that any remaining funds would still be marked for grants administered by the USCCB.
The Executive Director’s report continued with an acknowledgment of David Bosworth’s contribution in creating the Emerging Scholars Fellowship and its protocols. Atkinson noted the importance of reaching out to young scholars. Stephen D. Ryan, O.P. chaired the committee that reviewed the applications and awarded the first two fellowships to Joshua Noble and Benedict Schöning.
The two ad hoc committees created by CBA President, Harry P. Nasuti, were put forth as examples of how the association needs to be creative to grow. The Board has approved the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee on Membership that a graduate student membership for a $10 due be created. The Ad Hoc Committee on Development is exploring ways of creating a steady stream of income to offset the future loss of monies from the NAB royalties.
Atkinson reported that 10% of the membership dues were tithed to Cross Catholic Outreach. The charity sent a note expressing gratitude stating that a Mass will be offered for the intentions of the Catholic Biblical Association on the Feast of the Assumption by Cardinal Peter Turkson.
The difficulty of finding hosts for the future meetings was explained. Atkinson acknowledged Joseph E. Jensen for laying the groundwork for next year’s annual general meeting at Regis University in Denver, July 28 – 31, 2018. Based upon the recommendation of the ad hoc committee on the Annual Meeting, the Executive Board voted to to have a cycle of a small number of acceptable institutions that can host CBA and for the CBA office to essentially run the conferences, adding help when necessary. Atkinson pointed out that this year, preparing for the meeting at CUA has been a test run with the office ended up doing virtually everything aside for some initial work done outside the office at the beginning of the process. The office is developing timelines that will help the annual general meeting preparations go more smoothly.
At the conclusion of the presentation of the Executive Director’s report, Harry Nasuti thanked Atkinson for his work. The floor was opened for questions and discussion. Joseph Jensen, O.S.B. and Anathea Portier-Young each questioned the basis for the CCD’s rejection of the grant application. Mary Elizabeth Sperry and Joseph Atkinson pointed out that the contract called for the creation of guidelines to be approved by both parties. The guidelines are posted on the website. Sperry read the rejection letter which indicated that the application made by the CBA office was more administrative than pastoral or scholarly.
Alice L. Laffey was recognized and remarked that it should be noted that the CBA office had procured golf carts to transport people from Opus Hall to the Przybyla Center during the meeting. Payment had even been made, but at the last minute the staff learned that that certification that would permit the students to drive the carts had expired on August 1.
With no further questions or discussion, Harry Nasuti moved that the Executive Director’s report be approved. The report was accepted with a unanimous voice vote.
As Chair, Gregory Tatum, O.P. presented the report of the Committee on Nominations. The following officers were unanimously approved by the CBA membership through verbal votes: Eileen M. Schuller, O.S.U for President of CBA (2017-2018), Dale Launderville, O.S.B. for Vice-President of CBA (2017-18), Peter Spitaler and Garrett M. Galvin, O.F.M. for Consultors of the Executive Board (2017-19).
Through unanimous voice votes, the following were approved for committee membership: Ahida Pilarski and Harry P. Nasuti on Nominations (2017-20), Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S., Harold W. Attridge, Jr., Charles Kosanke for second term and Thomas D. Stegman, S.J. for first term on Finance and Investment (2017-20); Mahri Leonard-Fleckman to complete the term of Stephen D. Ryan, O.P. (2017-19); Todd R. Hanneken for first term and Karina Martin Hogan for second term (2017-20) and Martin Albl as Chair for Program for the Annual General Meeting; Todd R. Hanneken, Michael G. Azar each first term and Felix Just, S.J. for second term on Technology and Outreach (2017-19).
Before introducing the candidates for Research Support, Tatum introduced a motion: “By way of exception and to insure continuity, I move that Greg Sterling be allowed to serve a second consecutive term as Chair of the Committee for Research Support.” Roberta M. Eisenberg seconded the motion. The motion carried in a unanimous voice vote. Greg E. Sterling and Maria Pascuzzi were then voted unanimously to the Committee on Research Support (2017-20).
The report of the Committee on Finance and Investments was presented by the committee Chair, Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S. The members were able to view the via Power Point slides, the CBA Financial Report for the fiscal year ending 2017. Witherup informed the members that the committee Chair and the CBA President receive regular reports from the CBA Bookkeeper, Violet Halton. The committee meets 2-3 times during the year via phone. He reported that the investments are doing well. The primary investments are through UBS which at $10,784.162 are at an all-time high. Since 2012 the portfolio has grown enough such that CBA has recouped the loss from 2008 market slump.
Witherup explained that the investment rule set up by the committee is a conservative balance maintained at 67% high quality income-producing equities, 25% fixed income, and 8% cash, which allows for the flexibility needed for administration. The committee is well aware that when the NAB royalties sunsets, CBA will need to rely on investment returns for office expenses. He emphasized that the CBA office staff keeps a tight hand on the expenditures. The committee is encouraging the office to move to a budgetary system. Witherup thanked Violet Halton who sends the reports in a timely manner and Christopher Begg beg who signs them.
Witherup stated that Harold W. Attridge, Jr has put together several years-worth of financial data. The committee has been reviewing the figures to recommend to the Executive Board what money is available to restart some of the old CBA grant programs. The committee met immediately after the Executive Board and after reviewing Attridge’s figures the committee voted a substantial increase in the money available for grants. The committee is convinced that this action will not jeopardize the functioning of the office. Witherup indicated that until the Executive Board approves the committee’s recommendation, he could not disclose the amount available. Should the Board approve this, it will be up to other committees to determine where these monies should go.
The President opened the floor for discussion and questions. Martin Albl asked if the investments followed ethical guidelines. Witherup replied that the committee has instructed fund managers that CBA investments need to be faithful to Catholic teaching. He noted that CBA investment figures are a little low compared to some other organizations because of these ethical guidelines. With no further questions or discussions, Nasuti moved that the membership accept the report of the Committee on Finance and Investments. The motion passed in a unanimous voice vote.
Leslie J. Hoppe, O.F.M. presented his report as General Editor of The Catholic Biblical Quarterly. He expressed appreciation to the editors who are completing their service on the CBQ Editorial Board as of December 31: Raymond Collins, Francis Moloney, SDB, and Katharine Doob Sakenfeld. All the issues of the past year were produced on time, due largely to the work of copy editor Maurya Horgan and Christopher T. Begg’s proofreading. The October issue always poses a problem since it has to wait for the indexing and “Biblical News.” He acknowledged the valuable contribution of the book review editors, Mary Ann Beavis and David Bosworth. The pool of reviewers is small, so Hoppe encouraged members to contact the review editors and indicate areas of interest. He also thanked the authors and urged members to submit articles. He mentioned that the Editorial Board is working on improving the review process for submissions from other countries by authors for whom English is not their native language. He then presented some statistics regarding articles received, reviewed, and accepted.
Hoppe moved that the following persons recommended by the CBQ Editorial Board be elected to serve on that Board (2018-21): Wendy Cotter, C.S.J.,Christopher Frechette, Holly E. Hearon, Isaac Kalimi, Carleen Mandolfo, Timothy J. Sandoval, and Matthew Skinner for a second consecutive term; Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., Mary Beth Dinkler, Thomas B. Dozeman, Margaret M. Mitchell, Pheme Perkins, and Jeffrey R. Stackert for a first term.
Hoppe pointed out that while 2017 is the eightieth anniversary of the association, 2018 is the eightieth anniversary of the journal. The Editorial Board is dedicating the last issue of the volume to Emerging Voices of Catholic Scholarship. Sherri L. Brown, David Bosworth, and Ahida Pilarski were appointed by Hoppe to form the committee overseeing the anniversary issue. Sherri Brown was given the floor to present the vision of the committee: The hope was that the committee would identify and explore the trajectory of Catholic biblical scholarship across these 80 years and on into the 21st century, based upon the discussion of the 2016 general editorial board meeting of the CBQ. The committee recognizes the strong tradition of historical-critical biblical scholarship that sets the CBQ apart as the premier journal of Catholic biblical scholarship in the academy of today. The committee likewise acknowledges emerging voices in both Catholic and general biblical scholarship in the 21st century that have not been a primary focus or have been otherwise unheard in the pages of the CBQ in recent years. In hopes of positioning the CBQ to continue its strong tradition as an active voice in contemporary scholarly discussion, the committee has proposed and the editorial board has approved an 80th anniversary issue with a theme that inaugurates an openness to emerging approaches and methods as well as a global concern for the depth and breadth of both biblical scholarship and its impact across the unity and diversity of Catholicism and the biblical quest [what does that mean?] in the 21st century. More information on this issue will be sent via e-mail to the CBA members and will be included in upcoming issues of the CBA newsletter.
The floor was opened for questions. Roberta Eisenberg observed that each year the number of articles accepted and rejected did not add up to the number of articles received. Hoppe replied that many articles are still in the reviewing process and some authors retract their submissions. With no further questions or comments, Hoppe moved that the report be accepted by the members. The motion carried in a unanimous voice vote.
Christopher T. Begg presented his report as General Editor of Old Testament Abstracts. The February and June 2017 issues of OTA 40 have appeared with a combined total of 1100 article abstracts and 192 book abstracts. The material for the October 2017 issue containing approximately 700 additional abstracts of articles or books has been sent to the typesetter and hopefully will appear before the end of the year. Begg also put in an appeal for more abstractors. The floor was opened for questions and comments. Christopher J. Seeman posed the question, since many journals included abstracts with the articles would it not be possible for abstractors to use those abstracts for OTA? Begg responded by stating that OTA has stringent guidelines for abstracts whereas the abstracts that accompany are written by the authors to advertise their article. After Nasuti moved that the report be accepted, the members in a unanimous voice vote approved the motion.
In the absence of Robert Kugler, the report of the General Editor of the CBQ Monograph Series was presented by Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S. In the past year, no new volumes in the CBQMS were published. One volume is currently in process and under editorial management. Three manuscripts were received, reviewed, and rejected in the past year. An additional manuscript has been received and is presently undergoing review. Karina Martin Hogan has stepped down from the Editorial Board. Denna E. Grant has been appointed to complete Karina’s term. The following were unanimously approved by the CBA membership through verbal votes for a 2018-2021 term on the CBQMS Editorial Board: Mary Rose D'Angelo, Robert A. Di Vito, Ronald D. Witherup, P.S.S. It has been the practice CBQMS General Editor to recruit a successor. With Kugler’s term coming to an end, Richard Bautch has agreed to take over as General Editor (2018-2021). The report continued with a plea to members to submit manuscripts to the CBQMS board for consideration, particularly in the areas of New Testament and early Christianity. In a unanimous verbal vote, the membership accepted Kugler’s Report.
The report of the Committee on Membership was presented by Joseph C. Atkinson who moved that the following individuals be approved for membership in their respective levels into the Catholic Biblical Association of America:
For Full Membership:
Mark A. Awabdy, John H. Boyles, César O. Carbullanca, Charles H. Cosgrove, Robert J. Cousland, Bradley J. Embry, Stephen D. Fahrig, Allison L. Gray, J. Todd Hibbard, Christopher T. Holmes, Diana J. Kirby, Dorothy A. Lee,
Kyong-Jin Lee, Tremper Longman III, Scott D. Mackie, Michael P. Maier, Anna Marie McGuan, R.S.M.,
Nozomi Miura, R.S.C.J., Nelida Naveros, C.D.P., Matthew Neujahr, Emmanuel K. Nshimbi, Antony Prakasam, Catherine Punch, Joshua M. Reno, Higinio R. Rosolen, Jordan J. Ryan, Giuseppe Scollo, Brian C. Small,
Richard G. Smith, Christopher Stroup, John T. Thames, Kathleen A.M. Troost-Cramer
For Associate Membership:
Alfred E. Amos, Francis C. Cousins, Christine A. Donovan, Andrew W. Dyck, Christian Gers-Uphaus, Andre Gilbert, Evan R. Hershman, Jonathan D. Homrighausen, Erich P. Junger, Sarah E. Kohles, O.S.F., Anne M. Lanigan,
Stephen A. Long, Ramon Lopez, Joshua A. Noble, Jesse Peterson, Timothy M. Rucker, Stephen P. Rugg,
Benedict Schöning, Katherine E. Schweers, Eric J. Sias, Flavia Soldano Deheza, Mary Dern Walker,
Megan T. Wilson-Reitz.
The candidates were accepted by unanimous voice vote.
Todd R. Hanneken presented the report of the Committee on Research Support in the absence of Greg Sterling, the committee Chair. Hanneken provided background the committee which currently is making recommendations regarding disbursement of the monies available from the American bishops as part of the settlement of the NAB royalties. There are two rounds of funding each year. The first deadline is February 1st; the second is July 1st. The first round of funding for 2017 provided $68,544.99, although the stipulations do not require that the committee award all of the funds available in a specific round. The committee vetted five applications that met the February 1st deadline. The committee recommended one to the CCD and recommended that two applicants revise and resubmit their proposals and provided specific requests for the revision. Two other applications were rejected because the proposals did not fit within the parameters of the established guidelines.
Hanneken reported that the committee presented two recommendations for the Executive Board: for CBA to develop a budget that will allow for the ongoing support of research in the CBA past the five years of this funding (2017-2021). The new program would need to be in place by 2021 so that it could take effect in 2022. Second, CBA needs to develop better mechanisms for advertising these funds. Hanneken urged members to submit proposals and suggested that if any assistance was required with the guidelines that applicants should reach out to the committee members. In a unanimous voice vote, the report of the Committee on Research Support was accepted.
On behalf of the Resolutions Committee, Harold W. Attridge, Jr., introduced the following motion which passed unanimously by voice vote: WHEREAS our hosts, The Catholic University of America, and the Local Arrangements Committee, have provided a warm welcome and gracious hospitality to the members of the Catholic Biblical Association on the occasion of its Eightieth international meeting.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Association shall express our profound thanks and deep appreciation to The Catholic University of America and to all of our local hosts.
New Business
The President reported on the two ad hoc committees mentioned in the Executive Director’s report. The Ad Hoc Committee on Membership is comprised of Kelly Coblenz Bautch, John C. Endres, S.J., Deena E. Grant, Shawn W. Flynn, and Mahri Leonard-Fleckman. One recommendation that John Endres proposed number of years was to have a special membership fee for graduate students. Even though the CBA membership fee is very low compared to other professional organizations, it is steeper than other organizations’ student fees. For $10, graduate students will be able to join CBA with access to CBQ online. At the reduced membership fee, graduate students would not receive a print version of CBQ since the production and shipping costs are prohibitive.
Nasuti continued stating that the Ad Hoc Committee on Development consists of the President, Harold W. Attridge, Jr. Jerome W. Kodell, and Charles Kosanke. The committee is researching various development strategies to make recommendations to Executive Bard.
The President then gave the floor to Felix Just, S.J. who reminded the members that he has been the CBA webmaster for a number of years. He pointed out that in the past a couple years, Lisa Tarker has been managing most of the web content, though. He added that she would soon be sending out the evaluation form for the meeting. Martin Albl intervened stating that it would be sent the next day. Just continued stating that there is an interest in developing the Biblical Study Program segment of the links page on the CBA website [https://www.catholicbiblical.org/links]. He asked members to contact the webmaster or the CBA office if they have knowledge of programs not mentioned.
Members are invited to the next annual general meeting, July 28-31, 2018 at Regis University in Denver, Colorado. The Executive Director stated that the CBA office is still looking for hosts for 2019 and 2020. Based upon the recommendation of the ad hoc committee, CBA is trying to identify a number of good locations to be used on a rotation of East-Midwest-East-Midwest-West. Members may contact the Executive Director or the CBA office and an information sheet will be sent which an institution can use to see if its facilities are suitable for a CBA meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:01 p.m.
Before dinner, an ecumenical evening prayer service was led by Anathea Portier-Young who also preached on Numbers 11:4B-15. During dinner, Timothy Milinovich led a workshop on “Guidance for the Job Search.”
The general session in the evening was a panel discussion on “Wisdom Commentary Series” moderated by Michael Patella, O.S.B. The panelists were Barbara E. Reid, O.P., Mary Ann Beavis, Lauress Wilkins Lawrence, and Seung Ai Yang.
Sessions on Tuesday, August 8th
Garrett M. Galvin, O.F.M. was the principal celebrant and homilist for the 7:00 a.m. Eucharistic liturgy.
The task forces and continuing seminars met in the first part of the morning. The meeting concluded with a general session address by Luke Timothy Johnson, “Challenging Modernity: The Interpretation of Miracles.”
The following CBA members and invited guests were in attendance at the meeting:
Adam, Klaus-Peter Albl, Martin C. Alderman, Isaac M. Amos, Alfred E. Anderson, Gary A. Anderson, Kelly L. Atkinson, Joseph C. Attridge, Harold W., Jr. Azar, Michael G. Barber, Michael P. Barker, James W. Barker, John R., O.F.M. Baynes, Leslie A. Beavis, MaryAnn Begg, Christopher T. Benjamin, Don C. Benjamin, Harry S. Bergant, Dianne, C.S.A Binz, Stephen J. Birge, Mary Kate, S.S.J. Bobertz, Charles A. Boesenberg, Dulcinea L. Bonneau, Normand R., O.M.I Bosworth, David A. Boxall, Ian K. Brien, Mary T., P.B.V.M. Brown, Katherine E. Brown, Sherri L. Burns, Camilla, SNDdeN Calpino, Teresa J. Carmody, Timothy R. Carroll, John T. Cavicchia, Alessandro, O.F.M. Checkai, Leo, O.P. Chennattu, Rekha Mary, R.A. Chesnutt, Randall D. Chu, Tyng-Guang Ciccarino, Christopher M. Clabeaux, John J. Clifford, Richard, S.J. Coblentz Bautch, Kelley Connolly-Weinert, Francis D. Cook, Edward M. Cook, Joan E., S.C. Corley, Thomas Jeremy Cosgrove, Charles H. Cotter, Wendy, C.S.J. Cousins, Francis Cover, Michael Czander, Giovanna R. Daly Horell, Barbara Jean Darensbourg, Rita, S.S.F. Davis, Andrew R. DeBroeck, Ximena Dempsey, Carol J., O.P. DeVivo, Jenny Dibley, Genevive Dickerson, Febbie C. Dillon, Richard J. DiMicco, Russell G. Do, Toan Dubovsky, Peter, S.J. Duggan, Michael W. Eck, Joachim M. Eisenberg, Roberta M. Elliott, Neil Elliott, Susan M. Endres, John C., S.J. Enemali, Mark O., C.S.Sp Flynn, Shawn W. Frechette, Christopher Frein, Brigid Curtin Frizzell, Lawrence E. Galligan-Stierle, Michael Galvin, Garrett M., O.F.M. Geller, Jay Gillman, John |
Gomez, Mateo Goodwin, Mark J. Grant, Deena E. Gregory, Bradley C. Gross, Andrew D. Gutkowski, Sharon Haddad, Najeeb Hagan, Harry, O.S.B. Hamm, M. Dennis, S.J. Hanneken, Todd R. Harrington, Linda S. Hayes, Katherine M. Heil, John P. Hens-Piazza, Gina Hershman, Evan R. Hibbard, Todd Hoeck, Andreas Hogan, Karina Martin Holmes, Christopher T. Holmstedt, Robert D. Hoppe, Leslie J., O.F.M. Huffmon, Herbert B. Irvin, Dorothy Jackson, Glenna S. Jackson, John R. Jensen, Joseph, O.S.B. Jensen, Joseph E. Johnson, Luke Timothy Judge, Peter J. Just, Felix, S.J. Keith, Christopher L. Kiley, Mark Kincaid, John A. Kinney, James R. Kitz, Anne Marie Kleiner, Johannes Kohles, Sarah E. Kosanke, Charles G. Kruger, Brent A., C.S.C Kuhn, Karl A. Laffey, Alice L. Lambey, Veronica R., S.S.F. Lampe, Stephen J. Lanigan, Anne M. Latkovich, Sallie J., C.S.J. Launderville, Dale, O.S.B. Lawrence, Lauress Wilkins Lee, Dorothy Leonard-Fleckman, Mahri Levine, Amy-Jill Lombardo, Nicholas, O.P. Longman III, Tremper Lopez, Ramon, O.F.M. Cap. Lux, Richard Macatangay, Francis Madden, Patrick J. Magallanes, Sophia Maloney, Elliott C., O.S.B. Maloney, Linda M. Manzo, Juana Laura Marek, Libor Marshall, Anthony J., S.S.S. Martinez, Roberto Matera, Frank J. McCreesh, Thomas P., O.P. McCruden, Kevin B. McDonald, Joseph L. McKenzie, Steven L. McLaughlin, John L. Meier, John P. Méndez, Hugo E. Miles, Pamela H. Milinovich, Timothy M. Miller II, Robert D., O.F.S. Mindling, Joseph A., O.F.M. Cap. Mitchell, Alan C. Miura, Nozomi, R.S.C.J. Moloney, Francis J., S.D.B. |
Morales, Isaac A., O.P. Moriarty, Robert K., S.M. Morrison, Craig E., O.Carm. Morton, Russell Muller, Earl C., S.J. Mussler, Hanno Nasuti, Harry P. Naveros, Nelida, C.D.P. Nelson, Richard D. Ngan, Lai Ling E. O'Connell, Séamus O'Donnell Jr., Thomas L.P. Okorie, Ferdinand I. Okoye, James Chukwuma, C.S.Sp Osiek, Carolyn A., R.S.C.J. O'Toole, Robert F., S.J. Padilla, Jose D., O.P. Pascuzzi, Maria, C.S.J. Patella, Michael, O.S.B. Peetz, Melanie Penchansky, David Perkins, Pheme Petrany, Catherine E. Pilarski, Ahida E. Pitre, Brant J. Polinski, Nathanael R., O.S.B. Portier-Young, Anathea Prince, Deborah C. Punch, Catherine M. Racine, Jean-François Ramirez, Rafael M. Rasmussen, Angela C. Reasoner, Mark P. Reid, Barbara E. Rodriguez, Maria Enid Rosenblatt, Eloise M., R.S.M. Rosolen, Higinio R. Ruiz, Jean-Pierre Ryan, Stephen D., O.P. Salvador, Roberta, M.M. Schinstock, Victor J., O.S.B. Schmidt, Jordan, O.P. Schöning, Benedict Schuller, Eileen M., O.S.U. Schweers, Katherine E. Scott, Ian W. Seeman, Christopher J. Senior, Donald P., C.P. Sias, Eric J. Simone, Michael R., S.J. Skemp, Vincent Skinner, Christopher W. Smith, David Whitten Smith, Mark S. Smith, Richard G. Spatafora, Andrea, M.S.F. Sperry, Mary Elizabeth Stachow, Mary Ann, S.B.S. Stegman, Thomas D., S.J. Stephens, Kevin, O.P. Steymans, Hans, O.P. Stroup, Christopher R. Tatum, Gregory, O.P. Tyler, Ronald L. Udoekpo, Michael Ufok Umoren, Gerald Emem Viviano, Pauline A. Wagner, Eric J.P., C.R. Walker, Mary Walsh, Jerome T. Walters, Patricia Williamson, Peter S. Willis, John T. Witherup, Ronald D., P.S.S. Wright, Archie T. Yang, Seung Ai Zanchettin, Leo R. |
Dr. Joseph C. Atkinson
CBA Executive Director
Lisa A. Tarker
CBA Executive Assistant
Recording Secretary