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2023 Midwest Regional Meeting for Biblical Studies

Sponsored by the Chicago Society of Biblical Research

Friday, March 17, 2023 to Sunday, March 19, 2023

Saint Mary's College

Notre Dame, IN 46556

Event Details



The Catholic Biblical Association of America is collaborating with the Chicago Society of Biblical Research (CSBR) in hosting the Midwest Regional Meeting for Biblical Studies being held at St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN. This is a continuation of the  former Midwest Region SBL/AOS/ASOR Meeting after the decision by the national SBL in 2022 to eliminate its regional meeting system. The plan is to include most program sessions that had been offered in the Midwest SBL format, such as units on various aspects of Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Second Temple Judaism, early Christianity, and archaeology; the Regional Spotlight session; and a book review session. For questions about registration, please contact

The Student Religious Studies Conference (SRSC), for undergraduate and graduate student presentations, will meet during the day on Friday, March 17, as part of the Midwest Regional Meeting.


Please note that the Midwest Regional Meeting’s registration module is hosted by Zeffy, an event ticketing website that specifically serves nonprofit organizations. Zeffy does not charge the Midwest Regional Meeting any fees for hosting the registration module or for credit card processing. Instead, they rely on donations to support their services. You will see an option to make a donation to Zeffy when you purchase your conference registration. If you do not wish to donate to Zeffy, you can remove the suggested donation in the Summary section of the order page. Select the pull-down menu beside the suggested donation, click “Other,” and insert any amount you wish to donate or else type 0. Because any donation goes to Zeffy, not the regional meeting, this amount is not refundable by the regional meeting.


For more information

Chicago Society of Biblical Research
