2025 Midwest Regional Meeting for Biblical Studies
Sponsored by CSBR, CBA, and MCECS.
Event Details

We are pleased to invite you to the 2025 Midwest Regional Meeting for Biblical Studies. This conference is an exciting cooperative initiative of the Chicago Society of Biblical Research (CSBR), the Catholic Biblical Association (CBA), and the Michigan Center for Early Christian Studies (MCECS). The meeting is scheduled for Friday–Sunday, March 14–16, 2025, at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame (South Bend), Indiana. The Student Religious Studies Conference (SRSC) will occur in conjunction with the Midwest Regional Meeting on Friday, March 14. No society memberships are required to participate in this meeting.
“Midwest Regional Meeting for Biblical Studies.” There are many additional hotel options available within a fifteen-minute drive of St. Mary’s. For maps and transportation information, click https://www.saintmarys.edu/admission-aid/visit-campus/maps-directions.
We invite you to submit paper proposals for the regional meeting by Tuesday, January 7, 2025. (The SRSC has a different schedule for proposals than the regional meeting; see below.)
Program decisions will be communicated on or about February 1, 2025. Please see the section descriptions document at the CSBR website (https://chicagosbr.org) for additional information on proposals and the various program units. Paper proposals should be submitted online at the
proposal submission link. Please do not send paper proposals to section chairs. Usually, papers are scheduled in thirty-minute time slots, ideally with twenty minutes of presentation and ten minutes of discussion.
Description of Sections

Friday Evening Midwest Regional Spotlight
This session, now in its twelfth year, features a presentation and question-and-answer period with a prominent scholar from our region. Our speaker this year is Jennie Grillo, Tisch Family Associate Professor in the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame.
Saturday Afternoon Plenary Panel on Theological Interpretation of the Bible
This panel will feature Laurie Brink (Catholic Theological Union), Charles Huff (Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology), and Nathan Mastnjak (Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans).
Sunday Morning Plenary Book Panel Session
The book panel will focus on the new volume, John of History, Baptist of Faith: The Quest for the Historical Baptizer, by James F. McGrath, Clarence L. Goodwin Chair in New Testament Language and Literature and Chair of the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Butler University.
Graduate Student Paper Awards
Graduate students who submit a paper for presentation at the Midwest Regional Meeting are invited also to submit their paper for consideration for the Graduate Student Paper Award, which is sponsored by the Michigan Center for Early Christian Studies. Two prizes will be awarded—one for Hebrew Bible/Early Judaism and one for New Testament/Early
Christianity. Winners will be recognized at the Friday evening regional spotlight session. Papers in the form they are to be presented should be submitted by email to Jeffrey Stackert (stackert@uchicago.edu) no later than February 17, 2025.
(loconnell1@luc.edu) and Olivia Stewart Lester (ostewartlester@luc.edu).
These meetings offer a wonderful opportunity to meet new colleagues, see old friends, try out research ideas, and enjoy a lively exchange in a friendly environment. All students, professors, and others interested in biblical studies and the study of the ancient world are welcome. Please feel free to contact us at the e-mail address below with any questions.
Mark Lester & Jeffrey Stackert
Program Co-coordinators, Midwest Regional Meeting for Biblical Studies
Call for Papers
For more information
Chicago Society of Biblical Research
Email: MidwestRegionalReg@gmail.com
Website: https://chicagosbr.org/midwest-biblical-studies-regional-meeting/