Task Force: Addressing Representations of Jews and Judaism in Catholic Exegesis, Homiletics, and Catechesis
2021 CBA Meeting Schedule
Online publication of short videos and written guides to serve as homiletic resources for the lectionary that are sensitive to anti-Jewish misconceptions and that offer constructive advice for engaging challenging texts.
- Chris Seeman, Walsh University
- Ximena DeBroeck, Saint Mary’s Seminary and University
Program Details for 2021
Core Group:
Giovanna Czander, Dominican College
Todd Hanneken, Saint Mary’s University
Linda Harrington, Briar Cliff University
Ron Herms, Fresno Pacific University
Dorothy Irvin, St. Joan’s Community, MN
Karl Kuhn, Lakeland University
Amy-Jill Levine, Vanderbilt University/Vanderbilt Divinity School
Richard Lux, Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology
Anathea Portier-Young, Duke University
Rafael Ramirez, University of Dallas
Roberto Martinez, Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico
Eileen Schuller, O.S.U., McMaster University
Eric Sias, Graduate Theological Union
Gregory Tatum, O.P., École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem
- Discussion of Amy-Jill Levine, Sermon on the Mount:A Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven. Nashville, Abingdon, 2020.
- Review of video scripts for Lectionary Cycle B