Task Force:  The New Feminist Biblical Criticism
Formerly, Feminist Biblical Hermeneutics


Core Group:

  • Mary Ann Beavis, Saint Thomas More College
  • Carol J. Dempsey,O.P., University of Portland
  • Susan Elliott, Weststar Institute
  • Florence Gillman, University of San Diego
  • Ally Kateusz, Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research
  • John Kaltner, Rhodes College
  • Sarah E. Kohles, O.S.F., Briar Cliff University
  • Laura Manzo, University of Saint Thomas
  • Sheila McGinn, John Carroll University
  • John Noble, Huntington University
  • Ahida Calderón Pilarski, Saint Anselm College
  • Barbara Reid, O.P, Catholic Theological Union
  • Eloise M. Rosenblatt, R.S.M., Saint Paul University, Ottawa
  • Susanne Scholz, Perkins School of Theology, SMU
  • Lauress Wilkins Lawrence, Independent Scholar



Co-conveners: Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., University of Portland
Sarah E. Kohles, O.S.F. , Briar Cliff University
Eloise M. Rosenblatt, R.S.M., Saint Paul University, Ottawa

Steering Committee:
J. Cheryl Exum, University of Sheffield
Linda M. Maloney, The Liturgical Press
Susanne Scholz, Perkins School of Theology

    • Book Panel Discussion on Play the Man: Biblical Imperatives to Masculinity by David Clines
      Opening Remarks: Cheryl Exum, University of Sheffield, Sheffield
      • Panelists:
        • Carol J. Dempsey, OP, University of Portland, OR
        • Bradley Gregory, The Catholic University of America
        • Susanne Scholz, Perkins School of Theology, SMU
        • Mark S. Smith, Princeton Theological Seminary
        • Megan Wines, Loyola University Chicago
    • Round Table Conversation: Ordained Women in Ministry
      Session Convener: Sarah Kohles, OSF, Briar Cliff University
      • Discussion Partners:
        • Rev. Toni Tortorilla
        • Father Anne 
    • General Discussion of Two Articles:
      “Judging YHWH in the Book of Judges” by Deryn Guest
      “Knowledge, Power, and Academic Freedom” by Joan W. Scott


    Co-conveners: Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., University of Portland
    Sarah E. Kohles, O.S.F. , Briar Cliff University
    Eloise M. Rosenblatt, R.S.M., Saint Paul University, Ottawa

    Steering Committee:
    J. Cheryl Exum, University of Sheffield
    Linda M. Maloney, The Liturgical Press
    Susanne Scholz, Perkins School of Theology


      • Opening Remarks   
         J. Cheryl Exum, University of Sheffield         
      •  "New Feminist Approaches as Illustrated by the Wisdom Bible Acts Commentary" 
         Linda M. Maloney, Liturgical Press   
      • "New Feminist Conceptual and Intersectional Approaches as Illustrated by the 1 Samuel Wisdom Bible Commentary"   
        Susanne Scholz, Perkins School of Theology
      • Round Table Discussion: “Strategies for the Future: Challenging the Hegemony of
        Androcentric Biblical Scholarship”
        • Carol J. Dempsey, O,P., University of Portland
        • J. Cheryl Exum, University of Sheffield
        • John Kaltner, Rhodes College
        • Sarah E. Kohles, O.S.F., Briar Cliff University
        • Linda M. Maloney, Liturgical Press
        • Eloise M. Rosenblatt, R.S.M., Saint Paul University, Ottawa
        • Susanne Scholz, Perkins School of Theology
      • “Of Girls and Women in the New Testament: A Dialogue with
        Richard V. Reeves’ Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male Is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What to Do about It."
        Eloise Rosenblatt, R.S.M., Saint Paul University, Ottawa


    Co-conveners: Sheila McGinn, John Carroll University
    Laura M. Manzo, University of Saint Thomas
    Presenters: Carol J. Dempsey,O.P., University of Portland
    Susan (Elli) Elliott, Westar Institute
    Ally Kateusz, Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research
    Eloise M. Rosenblatt, Independent Scholar
    Susanne Scholz, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University

    2021 - Virtual AGM

    Feminist Biblical Hermeneutics Task Force did not convene.

    2020 - AGM Cancelled due to COVID-19


    Co-conveners: Ahida (Calderón) Pilarski, Saint Anselm College
    Lai Ling E. Ngan, Baylor University
    Core Group:
    Mary Ann Beavis, Saint Thomas More College
    Carol J. Dempsey,O.P., University of Portland
    Damian Dietlein, O.S.B., Assumption Abbey
    Susan Elliott, Stone Circles
    Florence Gillman, University of San Diego
    Laura Manzo, University of Saint Thomas
    Sheila McGinn, John Carroll University
    John Noble, Huntington University
    Barbara E. Reid, O.P, Catholic Theological Union
    Lauress Wilkins Lawrence, Independent Scholar


    Co-conveners: Lai Ling E. Ngan, Baylor University
    Ahida E. Pilarski, Saint Anselm College
    Core Group:
    Mary Ann Beavis, St. Thomas More College
    Gina A. Boisclair, Alaska Pacific University
    Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., University of Portland
    Damian L. Dietlein, O.S.B., Saint Meinrad School of Theology
    John C. Endres, S.J., Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University
    Corinna Guerrero, Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University
    Sallie Latkovich, C.S.J, Catholic Theological Union
    Linda M. Maloney, Enosburg, VT
    Sheila E. McGinn, John Carroll University
    Julia De Prinz, V.D.M.F., Santa Clara University
    Barbara E. Reid, O.P., Catholic Theological Union
    Seung Ai Yang, Chicago Theological Seminary
    Lauress Wilkins Lawrence, Independent Scholar


    Co-Conveners: Lai Ling E. Ngan, Baylor University
    Ahida E. Pilarski, Saint Anselm College
    Core Group:
    Mary Ann Beavis, St. Thomas More College
    Gina A. Boisclair, Alaska Pacific University
    Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., University of Portland
    Damian L. Dietlein, O.S.B., St. Meinrad School of Theology
    John C. Endres, S.J., Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University
    Corinna Guerrero, Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University
    Sallie Latkovich, C.S.J, Catholic Theological Union
    Linda M. Maloney, Enosburg, VT
    Sheila E. McGinn, John Carroll University
    Julia De Prinz, V.D.M.F., Santa Clara University
    Barbara E. Reid, O.P., Catholic Theological Union
    Seung Ai Yang, Chicago Theological Seminary


    Co-Conveners: Lauress Wilkins Lawrence, Portland, ME
    Lai Ling E. Ngan, Baylor University
    Core Group:
    Mary Ann Beavis, St. Thomas More College
    Gina A. Boisclair, Alaska Pacific University
    Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., University of Portland
    Damian L. Dietlein, O.S.B., St. Meinrad School of Theology
    John C. Endres, S.J., Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara U.
    Corinna Guerrero, Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara U.
    Sallie Latkovich, C.S.J, Catholic Theological Union
    Linda M. Maloney, Enosburg, VT
    Sheila E. McGinn, John Carroll University
    Ahida Pilarski, St. Anselm College
    Julia De Prinz, V.D.M.F., Santa Clara University
    Barbara E. Reid, O.P., Catholic Theological Union
    Seung Ai Yang, Chicago Theological Union


    Co-Conveners: Lauress Wilkins Lawrence, Portland, ME
    Lai Ling E. Ngan, Baylor University
    Core Group:
    Mary Ann Beavis, St. Thomas More College
    Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., University of Portland
    Damian L. Dietlein, O.S.B., St. Meinrad School of Theology
    John Endres, S.J., Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University
    Florence Gillman, University of San Diego
    Corinna Guerrero, Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University
    Alice L. Laffey, College of the Holy Cross
    Sallie Latkovich, C.S.J, Catholic Theological Union
    Linda M. Maloney, Enosburg, VT
    Sheila E. McGinn, John Carroll University
    Ahida Pilarski, St. Anselm College
    Julia De Prinz, VDMF, Santa Clara University


    Co-Conveners: Ahida E. Pilarski, St. Anselm College,
    Sheila E. McGinn, John Carroll University
    Core Group
    Mary Ann Beavis, St. Thomas More College
    Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., University of Portland
    Damian L. Dietlein, O.S.B., St. Meinrad School of Theology
    Florence Gillman, University of San Diego
    Todd Hanneken, St. Mary’s University (San Antonio)
    Alice L. Laffey, College of the Holy Cross
    Sallie J. Latkovich, C.S.J., Catholic Theological Union
    Linda M. Maloney, Enosburg, VT
    Lai Ling E. Ngan, Baylor University
    Barbara E. Reid, O.P., Catholic Theological Union
    Bonnnie B. Thurston, Wheeling, WV
    Lauress L. Wilkins, Regis College


    Co-Conveners: Ahida E. Pilarski, St. Anselm College,
    Sheila E. McGinn, John Carroll University
    Core Group:
    Mary Ann Beavis, St. Thomas More College
    Damian L. Dietlein, O.S.B., St. Meinrad School of Theology
    Alice L. Laffey, College of the Holy Cross
    Sallie J. Latkovich, C.S.J., Catholic Theological Union
    Linda M. Maloney, Episcopal Diocese of Vermont
    Laura Manzo, Graduate School of Theology, St. Mary’s Seminary
    Lai Ling E. Ngan, Baylor University
    Carolyn A. Osiek, R.S.C.J., St. Louis, MO
    Barbara E. Reid, O.P., Catholic Theological Union
    Bonnnie B. Thurston, Wheeling, WV
    Lauress L. Wilkins, Regis College
    Seung Ai Yang, Chicago Theological Seminary


    Co-conveners: Mary Ann Beavis, St. Thomas More College,
     Ahida E. Pilarski, St. Anselm College
    Core Group:
    Susan A. Calef, Creighton University
    Carol J. Dempsey, O.P., University of  Portland
    Damien L. Dietlein, O.S.B., St. Meinrad School of Theology
    Alice L. Laffey, College of the Holy Cross
    Linda M. Maloney, Enosburg, VT
    Laura Manzo, St. Mary’s Seminary/Graduate School of Theology of University of St. Thomas
    Sheila E. McGinn, John Carroll University
    Lai Ling E. Ngan, Baylor University
    Barbara E. Reid, O.P., Catholic Theological Union
    Bonnie Thurston, Wheeling, WV
    Lauress L. Wilkins, Regis College
    Seung Ai Yang, Chicago Theological Seminary

    The New Feminist Biblical Criticism

    • Carol J. Dempsey, O.P.
      Carol J. Dempsey, O.P.
      B.A.,, M.A., Ph.D. Professor of Theology (Biblical Studies) University of Portland
    • Sarah E. Kohles, O.S.F.
      Sarah E. Kohles, O.S.F.
      M.A., Ph.D. Briar Cliff University
    • Eloise M. Rosenblatt, R.S.M.
      Eloise M. Rosenblatt, R.S.M.
      M.A., S.T.L., Ph.D. Attorney at Law Saint Paul University