Opt for Receiving ONLY CBQ Online


CBA members may now opt out of receiving the printed version of CBQ.

In September 2019, members were invited to participate in a survey asking about preferences in accessing The Catholic Biblical Quarterly.  We are grateful to the 462 members who took time to answer the questionnaire. 

Of those who responded, 32% indicated that they accessed CBQ only via the online version. Since the printing and shipping costs are significant, CBA would like to permit members who only access CBQ online to opt out of receiving the printed version.

  • Membership dues remain the same.
  • Members receive an email indicating that the online issue has been posted.
  • At any time, members may opt to receive printed issues once again by notifying the CBA Office (cba-office@cua.edu). 

If you wish to continue to receive the printed version of CBQ,
you need not do anything other than continue to pay your annual dues.

To OPT OUT of receiving the printed version of CBQ:

If you wish to opt out of receiving the printed version of CBQ, please notify the CBA Office (cba-office@cua.edu) being sure to include your full name in the email. For your convenience, you may use the button below to create your email to opt out of receiving the printed version.