Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws
Date postedAugust 2, 2022
During CBA Business Meeting at Santa Clara University and via Zoom on Monday, August 1, the FULL MEMBERS voted on the following motions:
- That in the Constitution and By-Laws when "Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series" or "CBQMS" appears the following text, "and CBQ Imprints" or "and CBQI" be added respectively.
The motion passed in an online ballot vote of 125 in favor and 0 against the motion. There was 1 abstention.
- That in ARTICLE VII, Section 5 of the CBA Constitution and By-Law 4.4.5., the number of members of the Committee on Research Support be expanded from six to eight.
The motion passed in an online ballot vote of 125 in favor and 1 against the motion. There were 2 abstentions.