CBQ Instructions for Contributors
Instructions for Contributors
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This style sheet was originally published in CBQ 65 (Oct. 2003) 682-710, significantly revised in Dec. 2012, and slightly updated in Feb. 2016.
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- ARTICLES to be considered for publication are to be sent to the CBQ General Editor, Corrine Carvalho, at clcarvalho@stthomas.edu in PDF format. The author's name should not appear on the document.
- In addition to the reviews, a list of books received appears in each issue of CBQ.
- The Book Review Editors manage the reviews:
- Old Testament and Qumran
Mahri Leonard-Fleckman - New Testament and Intertestamental
Bryan Dyer
- Old Testament and Qumran
- The CBA Office ships review copies to reviewers with instructions.
- BOOKS to be considered for review are to be sent to
CBQ Book Reviews
433 Caldwell Hall
The Catholic University of America
620 Michigan Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20064 USA - When a book has been reviewed, the reviewer and the publisher will receive an email from the CBA Office with a link to download a pdf version of the CBQ issue in which the review appears.
- In addition to the reviews, a list of books received appears in each issue of CBQ.